Race or Integrity First
by Ayinde
Tuesday, 01 July 2003
Some people choose to associate on the basis of material wealth (insecurity); others associate because of social poverty and its related insecurities which helps drive a type of artificial racial bonding. Some choose to align themselves in other ways.
I call the bonding solely on the basis of race an artificial one because the same people often look for special characteristics in people when choosing friends. Many Blacks will not align themselves with Black bandits the same as many Whites will not align themselves with White rapists. So it is not as if every White person will accept other Whites and every Black will accept other Blacks. It all comes down to character and awareness, which can be discerned through reasoning and the observation of conduct.
These race associations and discussions allow us to examine racism and its effects. It is also a guide to the psychological/historical experiences of people. It allows all sides to check their conduct and to make necessary corrections.
There is no such thing as a pure race. For something to be pure then it has to be stable and cannot be changed. Given the fact that all people evolved from a common family then it is easy to see that there is no pure race as racial features can change.
This explanation is not to discount the effects of early European pseudo science that tried to impute such. The effects of this ignorance are real and have done great damage to all sides.
But I make this point to emphasize that the underlying reason for addressing racial issues is to discern the character of people. It is also to open doors for revisiting a wider span of World history with its common African human beginnings. This facilitates forging alliances with people who are committed to stamping out racism and its effects while offering redress where applicable.
In this exercise, some will choose to focus on helping Black people or White people and some can deal with racism within a broader social network.
For example, I have good relations with many Africans, Indians and a few Whites. I address this issue from all these cultural viewpoints as they are all deeply connected.
I have experienced racism from Whites and Indians and I have experienced the effects of the African ignorance in very brutal ways. All of this did not make me hate humanity, it taught me to refine and define how I align myself with people. It sharpened discerning skills.
I deal with people on the basis of their character first. Assessing character is a very dynamic thing and it is for this purpose I engage much reasoning and observations before I choose to call someone a friend.
A person with integrity may not have much information but they remain receptive to acting on truths as they realize them. They are always willing to evaluate and change their conduct. For me, this is very important. A person's willingness to learn and adjust is far more important than how much they actually know, and this takes precedence over racial considerations.
It will take integrity to defeat not only racism but also all other forms of negative discrimination.
Princess Tracey
Reply on: Jul 1st, 2003, 7:57pm
I give thanks for this post as it attests to the highest of the high within our humanity...something we all share in...
Taking responsibility for our own actions births freedom...as there are many choices as to "how" one can indeed choose to conduct themselves within a world fraught with so many injustices. To each man/woman how we choose in ALL things (free will) gives us true power, courage, and strength to stand up and challenge the many iniquities of the world.
Such spirits that grace the earth with high integrity, depth, and character, truly help to serve the greater good in all things and are worthy guides for humankind.
"Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect."
(not sure who the author is)
Reply on: Jul 2nd, 2003, 4:50am
For the Negroes, Blacks or Africans who subconsciously feel that certain group of Europeans, Arabs, Indians etc...do not fit the prototype Masters so evaluate these people on a case-by-case basis, is one INSIGNIFICANT method of solving the Racial Discrimination dilemma of Black people. In fact, the Racial Oppression of Blacks in Labor, Housing, Education, Religion, Criminal Justice and all areas Black people come in contact with STILL EXIST just as it did before the generous Actions of the a Small number of Europeans, Arabs or Indians who by their Noble deeds revealed their sincerity and Desire for the Progress and Prosperity of the Black Race. To effectively END Racial discrimination towards Africans Worldwide will require ONLY A MASSIVE DESTRUCTION of ALL and EVERY area of the Human lived experience where Racism has been constructed. This literally means extracting Racism from Education, Religion, Science and everywhere else whites, who contemporary MAINTAIN global supremacy, elevated and manufactured Racism. Judging whites, Arabs, Indians etc..individually based on character and Intention will never eradicate Racial discrimination towards Africans. Philanthropy is a useless concept when it exists in a case-by-case basis or when it exists in only one segment of society and not in others. Whereas, White Supremacy societal Racism is pervasive, operational, TOTAL and GLOBAL as a concept.
Concerning Black on Black Hate we must understand that too many Africans are still MENTALLY enslaved. They are the good Servants seeking the Leadership and Patronage of the Masters, betraying and belittling their own in the process. They are Incapable Men and Women who are not really to be blamed for their IGNORANCE when their Eurocentric Education have been devoid of anything positive about Africa and Africans. In Education white Scholars and Scientists have for decades written that Blacks are Intellectually Inferiors. As a result this Bogus Science is now accepted as standard science in universities around the world. Consequently, African-Americans assist their government in exploiting Africans on the continent through Economical and Political structures. Literally, America and its Allies presently hold us, people in Africa in slavery for their own benefit!
But Africans born and inside of AFRICA, West Indians, Jamaicans, Afro-Brezilians, African-Americans, South Indians, Melanesians, Aboriginals, Blacks Middle-Eastern and Afro-Hispanics COMMON History and CONTEMPORARY condition of Subjugation, Exploitation and Extermination should not lead to Fragment the AFRICAN RACE but rather bring about UNITY. The hard-core FACT is that White Supremacy is Abounded. White supremacy has put the "Education" into the Minds of the so-called "Educated" Blacks, Africans or Negreos. I place in parenthesis Educated, because it is some FOUL of an Education that makes our People do the things they do Against each other..
To conclude, I plead ALL Africans to Embrace PAN-AFRICANISM, and start loving one another. Let us slash the white supremacy away and build better Future!!
Reply on: Jul 2nd, 2003, 6:53am
Well it is an interesting question as to how global white supremacy will be destroyed. Since it is far from insignificant for individual spiritual development for people do be able to reach to one another across the chasm created by "European pseudo-science", then such bridge-building may be inferred to be far from insignificant to the eradication of racism as a global phenomenon. We are laboring under a construct, that of 'race', which is less than 300 years old.
The critical 'wrong turn' made by the Europeans dates from 1492, though what Aime Cesaire called 'the pedantry of Christianity' is older. Still, taken in the context of 1.6 million years of distinctively human history, this is a very short time. Before the global system of white supremacy can be dismantled, by force or not, ones of all races must possess the analysis that only an understanding of history can give.
Therefore education is key. And reasoning through this miasma in places like this can legitimately be seen as part of that process.
Obviously, efforts cannot end here, but can begin as ones move with integrity to act upon the truths they know.
Reply on: Jul 2nd, 2003, 9:54am
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
To conclude, I plead ALL Africans to Embrace PAN-AFRICANISM, and start loving one another. Let us slash the white supremacy away and build better Future!!
Here is the real possibility for change.
For now we see the reason ignorant Africans are violent to other Africans. I will add it is for similar reasons most people are violent to each other as this disconnectedness from our real life story have made humans turn on each other.
This attack on Africans by other Africans is not just from the most ignorant group (referred to as negroes) as I also know many 'informed' Africans who only view the world one way and as such attack other African who can view the world in countless ways. They think that any view that is different to their own, however legitimate, is an enemy to our struggle. Here again I say that such folks lack Integrity (which includes courage) to delve into truths.
For in order that all Africans embrace 'Pan Africanism', then Africans must develop a level of Integrity in order to accept responsibility for their personal conduct. Uninformed Africans must have access to better information as it relates to themselves throughout history alongside a better set of values. This calls for a committed effort from many informed people, and it calls for a willingness to earn resources to spread this message. Africans as well as others will have to develop courage as the obstacles on this path are many, and Africans will have to love all Africans as well as others will have to love who they are in truth.
This courage, thrift, and ability to learn to love one another irrespective of how much wrongs have been done by ones to another, calls for a high amount of integrity to face real truths and act on them. It also takes integrity to realize this love.
Without Integrity people just repeat these words but will not be moved to action. Without Integrity, people often repeat the Pan African call that have been given in countless speeches and they remain just that, words that are appealing but with little or no follow through actions.
So what is the solution given that it will take resources that must be earned, courage that can only be developed with integrity, and love which is also a hallmark of integrity.
Without Integrity, which allows for an honest view of oneself in the world these words appear as either vulgar or a distant dream that cannot be realized.
Loving a people or oneself or all people is the same love and daily we see that the actions of many who claim this love is not a true reflection of love but a mere call for personal attention and aggrandizement. This call is still valid and should continually be made but here ones must take the message, discern character and follow through with actions. This also calls for personal Integrity.
We often see African voices raise these issues but they are still filled with the same corrupt and destructive practices of ones whom they condemned. This does not mean that better is unattainable; it only means that ones have to work on their own conduct and have the ability to discern the intention of others including Africans.
The problem with many is still the lack of Integrity to act on ones conviction and to reevaluate positions when better views are put on the table.
Black first, as a call for humans to move away from superiority and inferiority complexes, to realize our human origins with our natural values and to recognize all the rights of Black Africans, is a Universal call that can and have stimulated all manner of people to these centers to learn how to enter the house of Rasta.
Lets say one knows 500 Africans who are so committed to put words to action and there are 10 Indians, 10 Chinese and 10 Whites who are so committed to pool resources to give these 'Pan-African' words meaning, then it means that one has the resources and honest efforts of 530 people instead of 500.
One still waits on others who embrace these words to translate them to action. This does not mean that we have to work with everyone without discerning and evaluating their conduct as one must still choose to only work with those who are clear on the issues and have demonstrated commitment not only in words but also in deeds.
Who says that embracing 'Pan Africanism' means to disrespect or disregard all other people who wish to learn from and support this noble exercise? Well, there is no rule that states only Black Africans can realize these truths and there is no law that can deny the honest efforts of others. For each one that truly gets it is a plus for all.
It takes personal Integrity to develop true self respect.
Reply on: Jul 2nd, 2003, 3:09pm
The support of white, brown and yellow men to Black people that you mention is the work of a relatively few people in this world. Whatever Learning or Deeds that have taken place in favor of blacks from these people have, been on a superficial level, and not on Intellectual and Emotional levels where they need to be. For the most part, I don't think these people know who we are, what makes us tick, how we think, what makes us different, how we're the same, or what's important to us. As we live in their world, we must understand this fact.
You speak of Integrity. IMHO the utmost Integrity for Africans is not to bend down on their knees in this day in age unless it is to pray to the Almighty and the Most high! The utmost Integrity for Africans is to be Independent, do for ourselves and feel SECURE rather than depend on the Patronage and Philanthropy of white, brown, or yellow men. To have the utmost Integrity for Africans is not trade black Inspiration for white Education any day, is to have the Faith that with Inspiration and BLACK Unity, black people can rise to reach greatness and full potential, irrespective of the Patronage of our Masters and despite whites being upset at the Message and the method.
All of our Intelligence, Brilliance and Scholarly work is all for the pleasure and behest of others? No! No. The key to black Success and African Liberation is for educated blacks (those who know the Truth of their History and their contribution to world culture and Civilization) NOT to yield their knowledge and Intelligence to the ignorance of other Races. What good is Black Education if it only goes elsewhere and never comes back home where it is equally needed?
The fact remains for as long as Racist white, brown, yellow societies can hold down Black people in Education, Economics and Politics, they will. Until there is a worldwide and complete Legal Policy put into place that will force the Majority to conduct themselves fairly and equally (because such a Moral Policy is non-existent to those people -especially Caucasians!) it will not happen.
Reply on: Jul 2nd, 2003, 5:25pm
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
The support of white, brown and yellow men to Black people that you mention is the work of a relatively few people in this world.
I work with all individuals who wish to learn and do better.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
Whatever Learning or Deeds that have taken place in favor of blacks from these people have, been on a superficial level, and not on Intellectual and Emotional levels where they need to be.
This is mere speculation and vague assumptions as I share most of my views and resources publicly and I share what I consider to be very critical with those who have demonstrated a measure of integrity and commitment to the right order for the restoration of equal opportunity which I have defined previously on the older boards but am not opposed to defining again.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
For the most part, I don't think these people know who we are, what makes us tick, how we think, what makes us different, how we're the same, or what's important to us. As we live in their world, we must understand this fact.
I make it my business to let people know who I am and what I stand for and I am sure that those whom I take into my confidence and those who choose to take me into their confidence (mutual trust) are fully aware of that. It is no secret that I will not associate or build with fools or dishonest people (irrespective of their race).
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
You speak of Integrity. IMHO the utmost Integrity for Africans is not to bend down on their knees in this day in age unless it is to pray to the Almighty and the Most high! The utmost Integrity for Africans is to be Independent, do for ourselves and feel SECURE rather than depend on the Patronage and Philanthropy of white, brown, or yellow men.
I do not compromise myself for anyone and I do not accept casual patronage from anyone. I think I have demonstrated this often enough. But I do strongly believe that it is important that Africans develop their own independent discerning abilities to gain real Independence or they will continually be subjected to blindly following fools. In this regard I support but not lead and I do not advertise in a way that distracts from the efforts of others who do their part. I support people's right to choose their spokespersons and to not have any imposed on them.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
To have the utmost Integrity for Africans is not trade black Inspiration for white Education any day, is to have the Faith that with Inspiration and BLACK Unity, black people can rise to reach greatness and full potential, irrespective of the Patronage of our Masters and despite whites being upset at the Message and the method.
This I know and I have also demonstrated this in countless ways.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
All of our Intelligence, Brilliance and Scholarly work is all for the pleasure and behest of others?
Here again I define my standards because those without integrity will not learn much anyhow. Those with integrity can develop to know and act on Universal truths. I have no confidence in people who have poor character as often they say one thing and do another. They plan moves and then steal the funds and squabble over personal fame and fortune. They lack courage and just hide and rabble-rouse. Discerning is very important for I. I do not reject people because they are ignorant, as ignorance does not mean people cannot learn and I greatly consider those whom I feel are ignorant. I use my skills and resources to support all informed Africans, but I cannot force them to accept the help. Some accept and some don't and that is their right. But when they fail to utilize the resources that were made available to them, they have no right complaining when they see others respect and accept this help.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
The key to black Success and African Liberation is for educated blacks (those who know the Truth of their History and their contribution to world culture and Civilization) NOT to yield their knowledge and Intelligence to the ignorance of other Races. What good is Black Education if it only goes elsewhere and never comes back home where it is equally needed?
I put what I know on the table and I look for reactions to the ideals of life. You may have little confidence in what is real knowledge, as no one can own it or can utilize it without the willingness to share it. Knowledge like love is not the property of any one person or race of people but can be attained by anyone or people who have Integrity.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
The fact remains for as long as Racist white, brown, yellow societies can hold down Black people in Education, Economics and Politics, they will.
This again I do not believe as I do not measure education by the standards of the schools in this ignorant world, where one can claim to have a University degree while being ignorant of Universal laws; Where one can claim to be successful but turns their back on the sufferings of others; Where greed and corruption is rewarded and real values are considered illusive ideals or are outright rejected. No my dear, I do not believe that the ignorant education systems can hold back Africans or anyone else who develops with Integrity and seek higher forms of learning based on our indigenous values.
I have seen the European greed reach many Africans for the reasons you gave earlier and I have seen many Africans change when introduced to better information and values. So far, I have seen few others make similar moves but when I see their willingness to surrender their privileges to answer this Universal call, I will be a fool to reject them. I just add them (however few) to the pool of sensible ones. I have eyes for myself and I can see many and also Individuals so I work with many and also Individuals.
Reply on: Jul 3nd, 2003, 5:50am
As much as I would like to disagree, you've made well-valid points!
You articulate your words very well and you have the right to express your views just as I have the right to express mine.
Therefore I will proudly claim that I'm an Avid Pan-Africanist and Dedicated Black Nationalist seeking FIRST the Uplift of African people to the Natural state of Equilibrium, in Harmony with Nature, that Humans SHOULD maintain if not for Mankind's Inhumanity to itself. Equilibrium, which the WEST has sucked from Blacks for centuries via Imperialism, Colonization, Slavery, Conquest and now Globalization!
My Allegiance goes First to my Race, then to my Native Country. Remember the European, the Chinese, the Arab and the Jew in his Social, Political and Economic urge always put his fellow man and woman First under all Circumstances. Why the Black man and woman cannot do the same? There is not Humanity before that which starts with yourself, CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME. These are the precepts of AFRICAN NATIONALISM I Strongly believe in.
Of course, I am not asking you to accept anything that I say. This is only MY Opinion as I see it. Many of us choose to face our Struggles and move forward differently. I have no problem with that, I do not seek Antagonism with African people but rather seek Fraternity with my Race to achieve Progress and Success by the means of the Active Intelligence of our OWN Minds.
Princess Tracey
Reply on: Jul 3nd, 2003, 9:36am
I believe the issue here is not to dismiss one's ancestory, or history...no...quite on the contrary, as they are vital links to fully grasping who we are within the context of the History within this world and how it all applies to today. These are necessary componants to realizing truths about who we are within our humanly context, and how we can therefore utilize and maximize our human potentialities to the fullest based pon what we learn from the past, to apply, and hopefully choose better, within our present forms of being.
But firstly, it is imperative to acknowledge the importance of how one's choice of integrity, character, and conduct, are crucial awarenesses before the attainment of the Highest Truth can be realized, and achieved, successfully with lasting results within the material world.
When Spiritual principles come first and are acted upon with the highest of integrity...then the power of Heaven lay at thy feet and mighty works can then be fully actualized, and achieved, with lasting results and enduring value to build stronger foundations for future generations to come...
Remember...it is the "mindsets" that we must labour to change..not the people...as All are Children of the Most High...created from thy Divine Hand to serve the Highest good...and the Kingdom is open for ALL who choose to act in accordance with Universal Laws to realize the Highest Truths.
Reply on: Jul 3nd, 2003, 9:54am
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
you have the right to express your views just as I have the right to express mine.
I have always respected your right to express your views and I have defended it even when I found it a little weak on specific facts but good in general. I defended it because I felt that your intentions were genuine. I also offered to do more which you are free to accept or reject.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
FIRST the Uplift of African people to the Natural state of Equilibrium, in Harmony with Nature, that Humans SHOULD maintain if not for Mankind's Inhumanity to itself. Equilibrium, which the WEST has sucked from Blacks for centuries via Imperialism, Colonization, Slavery, Conquest and now Globalization!
In my opinion, if your intention is to uplift African people to the natural state of equilibrium/harmony with nature then this is not possible unless you first reach harmony with your self and by extension all of humanity. Your essence/self must come first. In this regard, understanding and developing a good relationship with your inner self is a prerequisite to knowing your inner connectedness to all of nature which includes all people, and this gives the right order for actions. You really cannot be in equilibrium or in harmony with nature and not be in harmony with all people. If you put race before your real SELF then you are also putting matter before greater truths and righteousness. Your real self improves vision, will allows you to develop resourcefully and allows you to move in harmony with all of nature.
Truth is not the property of any one race and all people are receptive to truth in varying levels. Being first in harmony with my SELF, I can discern and see and feel those who move closer to truth and as such I assist who choose to accept my help on a first come first serve basis. By a simple law of nature many Africans have moved to these natural truths before anyone else.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
My Allegiance goes First to my Race, then to my Native Country
I know the Inner Universe is my first home and my allegiance goes first to the essence of life (MY SELF) in the Universe. This essence, which is perfect equilibrium, instructs right order. I always work towards the restoration of harmony in Africa, and from that point of view the rest of the world.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
There is not Humanity before that which starts with yourself, CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.
These are also my precepts which I strongly believe. I start with and from MY SELF which came before humanity then I act in harmony with what I think is right for our original African homeland. So from my perspective, CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.
The best of our indigenous values placed real self first, and I do the same even if it is not popular. My people are those who put real self before matter and in this order they recognize the value in uplifting humanity from our African human beginnings.
I do not see any serious contradictions between what I do and your stated objectives. However, we proceed from different points of view and I have no problem with that. I will help when asked, as I will not impose my help on anyone.
Reply on: Jul 3nd, 2003, 12:16pm
Ayinde wrote:
I have always respected your right to express your views and I have defended it even when I found it a little weak on specific facts but good in general. I defended it because I felt that your intentions were genuine. I also offered to do more which you are free to accept or reject.
My views and Opinions might seem WEAK or Simplistic to you but they are not to ME! I am Realistic in my Assessment of things based on Reality as I have researched, EXPERIENCED and have been told by other Blacks. Plus I still face ALL of those issues myself. Thus, where is the Weakness of my Assessments?
Ayinde wrote:
In my opinion, if your intention is to uplift African people to the natural state of equilibrium/harmony with nature then this is not possible unless you first reach harmony with your self and by extension all of humanity. Your essence/self must come first. In this regard, understanding and developing a good relationship with your inner self is a prerequisite to knowing your inner connectedness to all of nature which includes all people, and this gives the right order for actions. You really cannot be in equilibrium or in harmony with nature and not be in harmony with all people. If you put race before your real SELF then you are also putting matter before greater truths and righteousness. Your real self improves vision, will allows you to develop resourcefully and allows you to move in harmony with all of nature.
All your talk about ONENESS and SELF is Fine, but ONENESS does not guarantee ANYTHING. The physical Life is simply a Competition, especially in this Capitalistic World and Age. This competition is governed by the destructive anti-life behavior of white global supremacy and predicated upon the Subjugation, Exploitation and Extermination of poeple of color. Thus ONENESS, SELF can have no real Relevance or Credibility in this world because Fairness, Equality and JUSTICE do not Balance the Scales of this Eurocentric dominated Universe.
Currently, I am an individual who would rather associate myself with Blacks be them Illiterate or Uneducated for the sheer fact that I strongly believe in BLACK Solidarity and because I can Still relate to them on terms they can Identify. I would prefer not associate myself with white people who will always see me as Less! I only need to fulfill the Noble Ambition of Educating and Uplifting Africans to feel at Ease with myself. I have lost interest in much of what white people have to offer and I am nearly done kissing white peoples behind in order to get ahead. If this makes me such a BAB PERSON be it, I'm kool with that. I don't subscribe to white Satisfaction IN ANY WAY. In other words, at my age I now know what white supremacy really MEANS!
And Let me say this to many on this Forum, it isn't white people that I hate , its White Supremacy! That Social System that deems me second to less to nothing wherever I go or whatever I say. I can walk around this world believing what ever I want but the white system of oppression will ultimately place me where I belong!
For so many years I have been so oppressed, and suppressed. So many years of being marginalized have taken its toll on my African Mind. After escaping DEPRAVATION and HOLOCOST in CONGO due to Western Destabalization, here in Amerikkka I'm still scraping the BOTTOM. So yes I'm Resentful towards the white Oppressors and wish an END to white Economic and Social Supremacy, bet that. My wish is that ALL Africans Focus on Black Supremacy, that we aspire to Excellence because as the World Population grow we will not only compete with whites but all Races and Cultures, I just don't want us to be left behind. If this makes me such a Bad person be it. I won't apologize for that because I repeat, I don't subscribe to white Satisfaction and Privilege IN ANY WAY.
Reply on: Jul 3nd, 2003, 02:11pm
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
My views and Opinions might seem WEAK or Simplistic to you but they are not to ME!
These are your words and not my own. If I thought that your views and opinions were weak or simplistic, I would not be responding to you in such detail. I continue to respond because I have respect for you and value your views. I am not telling you to choose this way or that way. The choices are yours.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
I am Realistic in my Assessment of things based on Reality as I have researched, EXPERIENCED and have been told by other Blacks. Plus I still face ALL of those issues myself. Thus, where is the Weakness of my Assessments?
My words were, "weak on specific facts" not assessment.
Personal Integrity does count for much even when reasoning.
My words were harmony with your self. If you check these boards you will see how many people I have dismissed with those empty one love feel good rhetoric that tries to obfuscate real sufferings and play down the importance of African history and development.
Most people only view the world in terms of a material jungle to be carelessly exploited so this is the reason they neglect our common African social values. It is understandable that this type of conduct will bring rage.
But tell me, how can people (not just African people) who are unjust first to themselves, naïve in their dealings with strangers, reckless in their manner with children, destroy the environment, lack courage to stand up for their conviction, abuse others only because their are ignorant and stay in hope waiting for someone else to clean up their mess, expect to ever realize Fairness, Equality and Justice? Suffering only continues for many because they view the world the same way as their oppressors. They try to play by their bogus rules and definitions, which are certainly not of our choosing.
You stated, "Eurocentric dominated universe"
Well who give you this ridiculous idea?
Eurocentric false values are very recent in terms of the age of the earth and human existence and it really does not cover the universe at all. I know that for sure.
Individuals can free themselves from this so they can comfortably engage the process to facilitate change on a global level. Such individuals can motivate many others to change and that is how change spreads. It spreads by example as we interact with each other and act on realized truths.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
Currently, I am an individual who would rather associate myself with Blacks be them Illiterate or Uneducated for the sheer fact that I strongly believe in BLACK Solidarity and because I can Still relate to them on terms they can Identify. I would prefer not associate myself with white people who will always see me as Less! I only need to fulfill the Noble Ambition of Educating and Uplifting Africans to feel at Ease with myself.
I am not stopping you from associating with Blacks and uplifting only Blacks. I deal with Blacks like myself all the time and we comfortably support each other. I would never associate with people who feel others or I are lesser than them and it is for this reason I deal with very few Whites thus far.
Bantu_Kelani wrote:
I can walk around this world believing what ever I want but the white system of oppression will ultimately place me where I belong!
First to begin, I know and operate in the comfort of where I belong so I do not believe anyone can put me any other place. Of course if one cannot navigate this corrupt jungle with the right principles that allowed early humans to develop in and out of the forested jungle then they will get smitten.
You have much more on your side than you are aware of. People often do not see where their best help is coming from even if it is right in front of them.
Reply on: Aug 6th, 2003, 5:19pm
In light of brother Ayinde thread on "Integrity or Race first" .. After studying his teachings, I took the TIME to think about them from a new perspective. I would like to address this idea of Integrity again from another frame of mind...
Depression, pain, suffering, and PRIDE destroy the LOVE we SHOULD have for one another and are our worst enemy, as each of us mistakenly assume that the physical world and bad things are the only reality, the ultimate Truth.
We make mistakes and misjudge one another's intentions. Without a Cosmic consciousness or VIRTUE we are wrong and inevitably hurt ourselves. Without integrity, we seriously compromise and sin to the extent of offending another person without dealing with that person and their behavior, continuing confrontation without resolving our own trauma and emotions. In doing so we are destroying something BEAUTIFUL, which could be maintained with HONESTY, HUMILITY and more focus.
We live to learn and I have learnt. Now I think, even if the HURT is too deep we have to be willing and take the time to HEAL ourselves first! Our Hope should be to take care of others as brothers and friends in general following the laws of the cosmic mind, the life force spirit of wisdom and Intellect. To reach out is MAAT, to repair is always MAAT, a better day for tomorrow. So many things need to be done, like promoting Black collective freedom and by extension other citizens and people Freedom also by making some SERIOUS plans and going out into the community and volunteering to make a difference for the future... If there is a man or a woman then there is Power and Capacity at the right time. So if there is Power and capacity at the right time, then truly this man or woman demeanor and actions should be properly conducted and Integrity should never be compromise no matter how the TEST.
Integrity should never be called into question. In my instance I confess to often getting carried away with Emotion. But I will TRY to do better in the future and to honor the Afrikan principles of MAAT and TRUTH instead of discrediting it. We should not be swayed by emotions in moments of Trauma, but defeat our lower self (greed, ignorance, deceit, anger, egoism) to indulge in our higher self (cosmic consciousness, persistence, focus, and WISDOM).

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