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about the Hyksos

Greetings I

Now I have read enuff about the Hyksos that I can state about it. I also want to respond to the article you posted.
First of all, the author does not have a very great biblical knowledge... what statements like: "The story twist at that point and the focus turns to abraham’s second son Isaac who for some strange reason decides to change his name to jacob." clearly shows... I mean, normally when I hear a guy saing such foolishness I just leave him and walk on.

Second is, I generally see not much knowledge in that article... but much hate and anger... and the "duty" of this man to "defend" his African Culture against eurocentric lies.
If this man would know about the African Hebrew Israelites, and would get informed by them about the true ancient BLACK AFRICAN Hebrew Israelites... he would not see in them "the enemy"... his eyes would not be blind of hate... he would see the African Israelites as people whose history was similarly twisted around by eurocentrics like the history of Kemet.

Now about what I learned in the last days... but I am still informing myself about this.

Scientists, historians, Egyptologists, Theologians etc say the 70 Israelites came to Egypt in the 18th/17th century... about 400 years before the Exodus(13th century).

Some sources say the Hyksos era started 1800 bc... others date this on 1650.

Now the Scholars split about in which period the Israelites entered Egypt.
Some say before the Hyksos(before 1650), some say during the Hyksos period, and some say that some facts would date them after the hyksos.
Some think that the hyksos period fits best, because this would be the only time when a non-egyptian(Joseph) was able to become such a high person.
The bible does not say if Hyksos or Egyptian Kings ruled the land in that time.

But at no part the Article above proofs that the Hyksos invasion made the enter of Israel impossible. It just suggest that the Israelites were part of the Hyksos invasion... but it is not able to proof that. This is the subjectivity of the angry author, which I mentioned above.

Also, the statement that Israelites left Egypt alongside the defeted Hyksos cannot be proofed... the exodus, and all agree on that, was in the 13th century... about 300 years after the Hyksos left. The Author only suggests this also... and make it seem like a fact.

The bible doesn't record the time between Joseph and Moses.
The Israelites lived 400 years in Egypt before they got enslaved, so not the hyksos were their slavemasters.
The hyksos period was only a short time in Israels stay in Egypt(how long exactly depends on the different sources).

The Author also tries to make it seem, as if Egypt always fought only against people that he calls "non-white", meaning also the Black African Israelites. He does not mention it's wars against the nubians, for ex.
All in all he paints a very subjective picture, that is more suggestian than facts... driven by hate and anger.

Yes I can overstand that... he feels he has to defend the African Culture against the white-painted biblical history.
The Israelites were Africans like the Egypts... and Egypt struggled with them like it fought against the nubians... this was an inner-african thing... and had nothing todo with non-white people.
But the whole world thinks Israel were white... so the Author feels he has to defend Egypt Culture and History against the "European Liars".

The Hyksos came from the present day turkey area... they just passed through Kanaan(later Israel)... and had nothing to do with the people living there... and why exactly with this 70 man family... when they would never unite with Kanaanites(if the hyksos would have recruited kanaanites)??
Yes I agree as far as I am informed, the Hyksos were aryan people... but what had they to do with Israel... the small 70 people family???

No... get informed by real historic sources... not such subjective mis-informed, anger driven articles.
This Author is so much subjective that I am shure that he would write an article with his same knowledge pro-bible and pro-Israel, if he would know about the real Black African Israelite Culture and Israel!


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hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew exposed *LINK*
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Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
i hope i answered your question from previous post *NM*
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Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
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Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos *NM* *LINK*
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
You are not interested in HIM teachings at all!
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here is that dream again, just in case
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peace and hotep *NM*
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Re: peace and hotep
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
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Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
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cruxi (kkkross) fiction means castration *NM*
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Re: lot of cruxi fiction in amoric...the wolf *LINK*
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Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
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Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
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the childrenofthesun didn't worshipthesun
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
defended ethiopia from the god of israel *NM*
and you are the defender, boy?........LOL!! *NM*
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
Re: hikau khasut -hyksos or the hebrew - jew expos
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