Well, what you are saying is so true, when people are building houses, they generally dig the foundation first of all, and then they spend a reasonable amount of time, making sure that the foundation is properly built, and that it be strong, considering that the wieght of the house will be sitting upon the foundation. Well, water is the foundation upon which this earth is sitting, and water is very powerful and strong, it is about one of the strongest resources upon this vast creation. When people are living in a area, where water is scarce, they dig deep down into the ground, until they see water flowing down there, then they get their buckets and rope,
and send it down into that well, and get water to take care of their affairs. 3/4 of the earth upon which we live, is covered with water, we and the other land creatures, inhabit 1/4 ofcthis vast earth. Then there is water above us, which comes down as rain, snow, hail stones, freezing rain, dew and so much more, and waters is also beneath us, water rules indeed.
One generation goeth and another cometh, but each of us as a generation, must derink from the same sources of water to quench our thirst, if we are to survive, if there is no water, then there will be no us. Water is such a very versatile product, that in the days of Jim Crow Laws, fire hoses with water, were used to break our bones and smashed our noses,when we protested for truth and rights. Yes, the water which our great ancestor depended on, we are here today, and still depends on water as our most precious resource. So one generation goeth, and another cometh, but the resources of water abideth forever.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere
Baba Ras Marcus
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