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Facts of the Matter?


I was wanted to share my thoughts on the pursuit/search of absolute truth in respects to Energy and Matter.

When I look at connections between Self and Nature, I see patterns/cycles. I see that which is “outside” of me functioning the same as that which is “inside” of me. I notice substance that I call food being ingested by me in order to re-arrange its molecular structure to my benefit. Once the needed substances are extracted, what remains is excreted BACK to where it came from, the Earth. Ironically, this “waste” material contains the same particles (just arranged differently) that assist and nourish life (plants) to continue growing and producing more food.

The Sun provides rays (photons) which are absorbed by plants in order to produce/synthesize its own food...the plant gives off OXYGEN which we must breathe...and the plant takes in CARBON DIOXIDE which we give off.

Ironically, if we consume fruit with seeds, it is as if we made a deal with the tree. “If I bear tasty nutritious fruit for you, will you eat it, then distribute my children (the seeds) back to OUR MOTHER/sister/wife so that she may re-generate the scattered pieces and resurrect my powers/existence to another/higher level (everlasting life)?”

I see two life cycles inter-twin-ing and interdependent for the benefit of BOTH.

If we KNOW OUR-SELVES, we understand that we are a PART of ALL.
We know that we are of Water, Air, Heat (fire), Earth and Spirit (energy). All of which are the SAME, just arranged differently, vibrating differently and of various degrees, however obeying the same LAWS...never violating...never out of balance.

I was asked if I was saying that energy is irrelevant/un-important without matter. With open seeking to that, I must not dare reply with an adamant YES or NO, but I must sight that I cannot find anything that does not need the existence of something ELSE to valuate/affirm it. Even Ma’at MUST have a counter-weight in order to balance. We sight that before Creation there was the primordial void. So I ask, how was there a “Creator” before Creation?..Now wait!, This is different from asking of the existence of the Almighty/Power. I am asking in terms of the definition of the word “CREATOR”. How is a wombman a “mother” before conceiving?

Reality/existence is dependent on “Creator” and “Creations”.
Reality/existence is dependent on Energy and Matter

So it must be within sanity to acknowledge that it is with all of creation that the term "Creator" is affirmed/realized.

En-ergy = in/at work (“divine action”)(father)
Matter = ma’at-er “mater”( mother)

No mystery of Heru being conceived in the Ast womb by “divine powers/action”
No mystery of Jesus being conceived in the Mary womb by “holy spirit”
No mystery of this conception inside Mar-y (“the sea”, which is of the same essence as blood)
No mystery of the energy (spirit) within matter (body) as the Earth is covered with the same amount of water as our bodies.

Not that energy is non-existent, but I must sight that Energy is non-"essential", non-"important" without Matter...think about it, say there is all Energy and no matter, what do you have?

What is light without an object to absorb or reflect its powers? Notice that "space" is pitch black without starlight, sunlight or moonlight, all of which are results of energy "tangling" with matter. (it is still light but has no effect/significance)

It is worth noting, that scientists claim presently that 2 occurrences of the absence of either energy or matter are theoretical IMPOSSIBLE:
1. Absolute zero - temperature where matter ceases to vibrate/orbit (void of energy)
2. Vacuum - area which is void of matter
So in other words, it is accepted that Matter and Energy exist EVERYWHERE. (omnipresent)

In relation to energy and matter, I sight a sym-biotic connection, a comm-union. Not hierachy.

Every aspect of life and every aspect of spirituality and every aspect of beginnings/genesis has to do with the Sun and Water. Coincidentally, the common link between the Sun and Water is Hydrogen,(H)(I-I) which is One electron orbiting One proton.(I and/in I) All matter AND energy in the known universe comes from the actions/re-actions of this element within suns/stars. The Sun engages in fusion which causes the hydrogen atums to bond/fuse which releases energy in the form of heat and light...this is the nuclear reaction. But this nuclear reaction is dependent on the presence of matter (hydrogen). It is also this matter (mass) that holds the Sun together within the force of “gravity”. With my observance of these occurrences, I must hold the sight that it is the combination of BOTH that affirms the other.

So I must re-state, in relation to energy and matter, I sight a sym-biotic connection, a comm-union. Not hierachy.

So with the understandings of “As above, so below” and as well as the terms omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, I must sight that the connection/link/unity of matter and energy is essential for BOTH...and these are the components of ourselves.


If I sight that matter (mother) and energy (father) are our essences, just as I sight that Auset (mother) and magical powers/Osiris (father) are the parents of Heru, does that mean that WE are of a higher truth just as Heru is considered a higher truth to Osiris?

-always seeking

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