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Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!

two former statesments i made in this thread;

1. imo, i don't think there is any area dominated by babby that has not been challenged by africentric thought,
plain common sense OR HISTORICAL FACT in some way or another.

2. bredrin, i hear everything the i is saying, i don't agree 100% , but the differences are minimal,.....
what i would ask yu is how can this stance or position be translated into waking reality or implimented by the non-reading, non-intellectual massives who just get by day to day? how does this information translate into a more perfect choice or choices ? please elaborate.

i pose these statements and questions to all contributors to this thread, gman and eja included. we can preach to the choir but for so long before some next issues kick in, feel me ?
the fact remains that the massives must be engaged. where are the alternative schools ? the alternative medias ? the alternative modes of government ? the alternative job sources ? are we trapped in wage slave enviorments forever ?
are Afrikans earning a self employed lucrative salary with profits sellouts? so where do modern man them, living in modern cities draw the line between percieved wastern evils and positive growth, short of a complete and total return to the bush, shunning all technological pitfalls.
bredrin i say not in anyone alive today's lifetime, imo.

think about it, and tackle that, don't just brush it off because lip service we have in abundance

Fidel and Cuba have been demonized to the point where many Cubans cannot conduct a conversation without serious emotional dysfunction setting in and mashing the whole thing. I also had a co-worker tell me that Fidel Castro was in the top 10 richest billionairs in the world !!!!LOL!!!
i said where were the pics of Castro sunning on the french riviera between two voluptuous honeys, or where were the pics of Fidel gambling in the world's famous casinos ? rediculous !!!

Chavez is demonized daily inspite of all the good Venezuela is doing for her poor and working people as well as their foreign policies of good will.

are these two governments our only ray of hope for the future? where and who are the others?

what does the Mama Continent of Afrika represent to the massives of Afrikans in america and the Carribbean ,....let's say the PR is not the best bredrin,.....make we examine this too.

anyone who interprets my statements or questions as a defence or protection of the white male supremacist and his lineal march into the grave is an idiot. point blank.


Messages In This Thread

EVERYTHING must be examined!
ites *NM*
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Good point, but
Even MJ
Re: Even MJ
AIIII D.O.N. ... you is a badman. Nice one iyah
Would you consider yourself Rastafari? *NM*
You tell me. *NM*
Re: no i would not *NM*
Well what are the membership requirements.
Re: Well what are the membership requirements.
Re: Well what are the membership requirements. *LINK*
Re: Would you consider yourself Rastafari?
testing 123 *NM*
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
I would add...
Yes Gman... *LINK*
give thanks for that link! *NM*
Re: Yes Gman...
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Re: EVERYTHING must be examined!
Hotep for the PowerWords *NM*

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