Haile I
I feel you me brudda. I feel that the army is the people united though, not necessarily a select armed group. If it's a small little underground guerrilla cadre it can be targeted and wiped out... remember when it comes to violence and bloodshed and guns and ammunition they are the experts... also the group can be demonized as "terrorists" and whatnot, making people leery or afraid of being associated with them...but if the ideas have spread to the people as a whole they can't wipe all of us out...
Not saying that armed resistance doesn't have a role because it would be suicidal to think it doesn't... but it would be equally suicidal to jump into it without sufficient support from the general population.
Just I Man two cents, allyuh free to agree or disagree.
But regardless of whether you agree or disagree, y'all can still call or write. MOVE are asking people to co-ordinate the calls on Wednesdays so they feel that pressure, hopefully tie up their whole phone systems with so much people calling at once. So holla at em on Wednesday.
By the way the G20 protests went fairly well despite all the police intimidation. More on that another time. R.I.P. to the guy who died (he wasn't a protester, just a guy on his way home from work who had a heart attack, but while all the details haven't come out yet it seems likely that the police cordons around the area prevented him from getting medical help in time).