Re: Liberators Must Be Prepared To Help.
What do you mean by 'sleep' with...have sexual intercourse?
If you just mean lie down next to her and she dont want you to do that and you have someonewhere in the house where you canrest comfortably then its probably not good. If,as you state certain things are put on the table and prior to living together etc. these things are spoken of and arrangements made thenthat is another thing....for example in the case where a woman may not want to be around you when she is cycling....youre either with that or youre not. Some things may not be able to be compromised.
What iam saying is that the woman is the one who is physiologically going through the situation...I'm sure it is reasonable that spoken words of 'on the table' will let you know of her position or needs.
If she is in need of something why would you not want to assist her needs? I am essencially saying that I dont think a man should be dictating to her that she must remove herself at all times from him when cycling because she is supposedly 'unclean' or some other thing like that.I feel that is entirely reasonable if she wants space for her to tell you that rather than you pre-empting separation.Whoever removes themselves from who can be worked out between the two but its seems reasonable that she initiate that communication of her want.That way things arent based on overall sweeping rules but a natural flow. Seems simple and natural enough to me.