AfricaSpeaks - RastaSpeaks - RastafariSpeaks
Forums, Chats, Boards, and Weblogs Terms of Use
Africa Speaks, Rasta Speaks and Rastafari Speaks were founded as alternative discussion and news sources to provide interesting and relevant news and views of interest to our African based community. We draw from many sources and select those stories we think most intriguing.
The site is updated continuously and links to stories of African and otherwise international importance. It also features exclusive stories and commentaries.
This is an ongoing work. Africa Speaks is to be a reference tool for those looking to expand their awareness. More about us here...
You must register/Create a Profile to post in the Chat Rooms, Message Boards, Interactive Center and Forums. Please choose usernames that are not similar to that of other posters.
We suggest that you create a unique username to post on our forums. If you register a username that is similar to that of another poster, administrator or any of our websites' domain names your account would be deleted.
Post related information, comment on articles, news, or issues of general interest that are in keeping with our stated focus.
Linking to articles from a variety of sources for commentary is permitted. Posts that are in excess of two months old on the Rastafari Speaks Board may be removed or archived.
We do not readily disclose the identities of users, living or otherwise. That is against our privacy policy. It is up to users to conceal or reveal their own identities. We will not entertain posters who violate the rights of others.
If specific requests for disclosure can save lives and/or prevent damage to lives and property we may guardedly disclose what relevant information we have. We respect the right of posters to conceal their personal details and will not tolerate abuse of their right.
There is no age-limit on participation, so please keep the discussions clean.
The forums are moderated, and messages found to violate common standards of decency will be removed. Posts do not remain on this board indefinitely. Some are archived and some are deleted after a month or two or when the server starts underperforming. Management reserves the right to remove posts or threads at our discretion.
User shall not upload to, or distribute or otherwise publish through the websites any content which is obscene, pornographic, abusive or otherwise violates any law.
The forums shall be used only in a noncommercial manner. User shall not, without the express approval of the administrators, distribute or otherwise publish any material containing any solicitation of funds, advertising or solicitation for goods or services.
We will not entertain the promotion of Websites and contacts of those who are hostile to our services. Do not use the chat rooms, message boards, and forums to promote your own chat rooms, message boards and groups. Such posts WILL be removed.
Do not post advertisements on the Forums without prior permission from the moderators. Email:
Posts with usernames such as, ~~~, ii, U, --, urls, sentences, email addresses, and foul language will be removed.
Do not place URLs or email addresses in the subject area of posts.
We will delete ALL the posts from posters who attempt to monopolize the boards, especially those who do it under various usernames.
Sharing profiles/registered accounts is not allowed. In other words, a separate account for each user is required on these forums. Only one account/username per user is allowed for each forum.
While we do not and cannot review every message posted by Users in the forums and are not responsible for any content of these messages, the administrators or designated agents reserve the right to delete, move or edit messages that we, in our discretion, deem abusive, defamatory, obscene, in violation of copyright, fair use or trademark laws, or otherwise unacceptable. Users shall remain solely responsible for the content of their messages.
No unreasonable personal attacks allowed (unreasonable personal attacks will be determined by moderators).
Trolling is posting inflammatory, rude or offensive messages designed intentionally to annoy and antagonize existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion.
Flamebaiting is posting to a forum with the intent of provoking an angry response (a "flame") or argument over a topic the poster often has no real interest in.
Deliberately lying, which includes intentionally misrepresenting the views of others, will not be tolerated.
Do not use the messaging service on the Reasoning Forums and Chat Rooms to harass other posters. Respect the rights of others.
Impersonation of other participants or public figures is not permitted.
Please respect the privacy of others.
Where you are invited to submit any contribution to the Website (including, but not limited to, text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting your contribution, to grant the Website a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, and exercise all publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other works in any media now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in your contribution, and in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in the Website's Privacy Policy. If you do not want to grant to the Website the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution to Website. All comments, articles and photographs remain the copyright property of the original owner, and will be credited to the owner.
If you reproduce articles and/or comments from our Websites, Sub-sites, Message Boards and Forums in part or whole, you MUST credit the writers and place an active URL hyperlink to and the Sub-site, Message Board or Forum where the article or comment was initially posted.
Any information that is disclosed on a message board becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information. To control abuse, IP addresses are recorded when posting on these message boards and forums. After any posting, your IP address is also available to the administrators of the message boards and forums.
If any condition in these terms is found unenforceable, management reserves the right to modify the condition. All remaining conditions shall remain valid and enforceable.
For the most part we will let the forums be user-driven, but we may occasionally introduce a topic for discussion. Management reserves the right to remove threads or posts at our sole discretion.
By viewing or posting to this Website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless, and of any claims resulting from your usage, which damage yourself, or any party.
The moderators are volunteers. They provide their time and their judgement to this website free of charge, and the administrators of this website are grateful for their help.
If you have any questions about the rules, please contact the website administrators by sending an email to .
Occasionally, the administrators of this website will make decisions that are not popular. That is life. We have given up trying to make everyone happy, because it is simply not possible. If you feel that you were treated unfairly, contact the admin.
The administrators of this website are busy people. Feel free to contact us about any issue. But please bear in mind that we may not be able to respond immediately, and we may not give you the answer you want. Also, be aware that we do not respond kindly to threats or other strong-arm tactics.
Please read: Debating on our Forums
