
Enslavement of 'Negroid' Minds
by Bantu Kelani September 15, 2003
The foundational concepts of Hebrew, Judaism, Christianity and Islam were copied from our original sacred texts, the BOOK OF COMING FORTH BY DAY (also known as the Book of the Dead)! For illustration, concepts such as the 10 commandments were nearly copied verbatim of the 42 negative confessions of MA'AT. Later other concepts such the Trinity, the Immaculate Conception were also cut and pasted from our ORIGINAL Holy Scriptures that existed half a millennium before any of their books so-called 'original'. Also, Moses (who is very likely to have never existed in the first place) was a caricature of AKHENATON, the founder of the Hebrew cult. The Hebrews learned Monotheism in Kemet and incorporated it into their imperialistic religion of imposters. They invented nothing, that much of our History is contained in their plagiaries books needs no telling!
Before the MAAFA (THE 'NEGROID' AFRICAN ENSLAVEMENT PROCESS), Colonization and Imperialism, us 'Negroid' Africans were practicing our own indigenous spiritual systems as is taught in divinity schools, biblical texts as allegories. We were the only one group of humans on this planet who actually lived and practiced rituals and beliefs depicted in the Bible, but have never read the Books.
JAH was KATONDA in Uganda, MUSIKI in Zimbabwe, NZAMBI MPUNGU in Angola, MWIN in Burkina Faso, AUSAR-AUSET, DJEHUTY, PTAH-MA'AT in Kemet (so called Egypt), RANGE in Kenya, OLUDUMARE-OLORUN-Ifa for the the Yoruba, KLE with the Bambara and the list goes on ad infinitum .... We had rituals, ceremonies, holy days, which gave reverence to the CREATOR-the Indescribable as well as to our Ancestors and those yet to be born. We were a holistic people when the barbaric, brutish, non-spiritual, thieves whatever you wish to name them, European Caucasoids came... They destroyed our Natural way of life and continue to do what the hateful Arabs had done and continue to do. They gave us alien Gods, enslaved our African minds that made us docile and passive, laughed at us further separating us from the True-CREATOR that is Perfection in our Image venerated in our own way!
Our people have then been trained to react to EMOTIONAL themes, forced to internalize alleged History of mythical chosen people...But it is time to rise above unoriginal theologies and research our True History, which is far beyond the Hebrew-Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions. Male chauvinistic Murder imperialistic cults have proven to be tools for our pacification. The framework of these beliefs prevents our 'Negroid' African minds complete development and reconnection with the dynamism of the Universe.
* I am using the term 'NEGROID' in the anthropological sense instead of simply African as 'Negroid' gives the image of the dark-skinned black African with wooly hair. I want to stress that I am talking about people with a certain kind of African features that feel the brunt of color discrimination and I am not using 'Negro' in the derogatory sense.
For more on the word 'negro' read Creation Of The Negro.
From: rasifree
This Book of the Dead, that is referred to as the Original Sacred Text of NEGROID, people-which I am a part of, is NOT representative, of this NEGROID/African, For Ras Ifree part, IanI GLORY IN THE BIBLE. The Ethiopian Orthodox Bible. IanI agree that Uropeans exploited Christianity-however, it does not shake IanI faith.
Christianity became the state religion of Ethiopia in the fourth century A.D. So, with all due respect-you can have the Book of the Dead. I will deal with the BOOK OF LIFE, IanI HOLY IBLE, IanI Rock and Foundation. Bless HIS HOLY NAME Jah Rastafari Haile Selassie, God In Flesh
Response: Bantu Kelani
I'm looking at the ROOT of the Hebrew-Judaic-Christian religions! How can you talk about the Ethiopian orthodox faith, the bible or any, without looking at their ORIGIN?? When you want to find a disease tree in the forest, you have to cut the tree down and look at the root right? So the ROOT of the Hebrew-Judaic-Christian religion is the ancient mystical creed of the ABANTU people who called themselves KEMETCU (Black humans) of Alkebulan- Africa!
Form the invaders of ancient Egypt that I like to call it by its real name KEMET (land of the blacks) 525 BCE from the Greeks, Persians, Roman north African Invasions, to Arab Invasions, to the religious invasions that came to conquer, from this as and 'Negroid-African' I can attack Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the holocaust it had on 'Negroid' Africans!! It's time to bring home to the Diasporian blacks as much as native Africans themselves how these religions (including the Hebrew religion whose Semitic people stole the land that belonged to Canaanites who were 'Negroid-Africans' and created a myth of a fire & brimstone God..) have made us a whole docile people.
The pyramids have been dated over 12,000 BCE. We know the BOOK OF THE COMING FORTH BY DAY (THE BOOK OF THE DEAD) is over 6,000 years old! We know the pyramid texts are the oldest in the world in Moral teaching that is used in the Ethiopian Orthodox bible or other. The word "amen" is from "Amon-Ra". We know the cross is not from Jesus but the "Ank" the symbol of eternal life before the so-called Jesus came into the world. I say so-called because he never existed and was a fabrication of the Roman Catholic Church when the Romans stopped killing Christians and became Christians themselves. Yet modern 'Negroid' Africans are still credulous! I'm no bible scholar but it doesn't take a genius to notice all the bible errors. And it already have been proved as fallible human document with many inaccuracies, failures of logic, biases and mixed motives a set of lies by petty witnesses and superstitious, ignorant drinking buddies at the first conference called the Conference Council of Bishops at Nicea 325 AD.
The PROBLEM with modern 'Negroid' Africans is that we are still looking outside of ourselves to find GOD that does not represent us spiritually! And black Hebrews, black Christians or Muslims are on the defensive when this is brought to their attention. These religions came by conquers and racism was used to further their aims! These religions use excuses to convert us the world over. Our ancestors had perfect spirituality before the conquerors. I can honestly say our forefathers and mothers wouldn't have chosen these Male Chauvinist Murder cults if it wasn't because of invasions and slavery. This is the issue Dr. John Henrik Clarke posed as he cried, when are we as a people going to come to grips with what most of us have as a God was not of our choosing, and we have taken on the traits of the oppressor, and their Gods.
Hebrew Israelite also, is not much more than a mere speck on the broad tapestry that is Alkebu-lan History. From Kemet to Songhay, from CONGO Empire to ZULU, there is so much more than the bible as myths. And even if they were not so, why uphold lies?
What Contradictions Exist in The Bible?
Posted by SealedbyFaith
September 16, 2003
Okay, Let's try to start this thing at the beginning at break it down slowly. But before we do that that, let me go ahead and preempt some of your arguments and dismiss them as nonessential.
I am not a historical scholar nor do I need to be to understand who I am. I have reverence for the history I know and continuously seek to learn more. So, if I do not tie my arguments to a succinct history that does not make the following statements false.
What is Christianity? You attack it, but admit you are not a Bible scholar. Do you really understand the Christian philosophy, or do you just hate the perverted versions of it that you've HEARD?
Bantu, every thing that you find important: loving people, respect, kindness, and reflection... It is all summed up in this commandment: Thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self. A true Christian, one who understands our faith, strives everyday to achieve this love. What are the implications of this love: It implies that you will not enslave another, you will not exhort yourself over another, you will love your family, and you will respect those around you. You will sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others.
What contradictions exist in the Bible? Bantu_Kelani, can you point them out? Or can you merely tell me what you've heard the Bible says.
What Christian looks for a faith on the outside? Christianity is found WITHIN the soul. If any man is IN Christ Jesus he is a new creature (N.testiment). We are to abide IN Jesus, and HE IN US.
Now maybe you THINK my Jesus and Heavenly Father are not a representation of who I am. First of all, NO MAN HAS EVER SEEN THE FATHER. And yet MANKIND was made in his image. Not just black people, but mankind. So if we are ALL God's children then either He is a rainbow of colors or we were made in his spirtitual image and maybe his physical image. (And yes, I do believe that God is a HE, but not in a physical sense, and yet a masculine one. Consider other languages where things are either masculine or feminine).
So in your religion, if your god only represents us as black people, are the rest of the races damned? And oh my goodness, what happens to people of cross-cultural races. If religion is indigenous to race, then multi-racial people are screwed. These are merely observations and questions.
So much, you want us to believe in the philosophies of a black religion, but spirituality is colorless. Color is a physical attribute and carnal in nature. I answer to a power much higher than any carnal weight. I love being black. I brag about being a thoroughbred. I am black by heritage, choice, and heart. But I'm also red because I am covered with the blood of Jesus. And HE WILL COVER ANYONE WHO IS WILLING TO PUT HIM ON.
As for the scriptures being stolen.... Try Genesis. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and God was with the word. If it existed always, then it could not be stolen. Others may have written books before the Bible. BUT the oral passing on of knowledge existed centuries before texts were written. Yes men did write the Bible but they did not develop the truths of the Bible. They wrote only what God inspired them to write (Inspired meaning...as told).
As to the Book of the Dead… Did not a man write it? Is it not then subjected to the same claims that you bring against Christianity? When you put the two books side by side, which teaches about a Universal Love, shows a difference between right and wrong, and offers salvation? The Bible is the Book of the Living. Oh definitively...Moses existed, as did every other man and women in the Book.
Now let me go ahead and preempt another argument that you might make: You might ask me how do I know God is real. He's real because I feel him in my soul. He gave me a sense of right and wrong. When I pray to Him, He answers my prayers. He left me a comforter, the Holy Spirit. He promised to never leave me nor forsake me. In my 23 years of life He's kept that promise. I've been up and down, left and right and through it all, He's been right there. No other god has done that. I know this because I haven't asked them for anything. I speak to ONE God and HE answers me. He gives me air, water, sun, moon and stars daily. He gave me love and his Son. HE brought me into a spirit of adoption, by which I can cry out: Abba Father (Acts:NT). He woke me up this morning and laid me down last night. When the world let's me down, HE lifts me up. There is no other god who can do that. I believe this. I know this. And you can quote as many historical principles as you want...But a physical answer can NEVER combat a SPIRTITUAL. A million lessons in history will never save MY SOUL. No One can ever take the God in me out!!! He's done too much, gave too much. I could spend my entire life trying to explain what HE's done.
When it comes to God you must separate the carnal from the spiritual. Forget European ideology or Black ideology for that matter. Walk in the spirit and then discuss HIM. The carnal mind will misrepresent the body of Christ every time. For this reason we must war against our Flesh daily. We must worship in Spirit and TRUTH. THERE ARE NO MULTIPLE TRUTHS EITHER SOMETHING IS OR IT ISN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bottom line is this: You don't understand REAL CHRISTIANITY. You've heard a lot of things and frankly, I wouldn't believe either if I had seen or heard the things you have. But no, Bantu...Jesus is not the blond hair blue eyed man. He's not described that way in the Bible. Christians are not taught to be slaves, but to be free. What do you think the great Exodus was about? We are taught to love each other as ourselves. No one wants to harm him or herself. As a parallel, Christianity teaches us not to harm others. IF everyone treated people the way they wanted to be treated: there would be no war, murder, disease, nothing... I just wish you could see what I see. All I see in Christianity is love. Because that is what it is: Love
My prayers are with you. You are so intelligent. It's obvious in your posts. But don't be wise to the world and a fool to God. He loves you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From one Beautiful Black Queen to another,
Response by Bantu Kelani
September 17, 2003
I am not a historical scholar nor do I need to be to understand who I am. I have reverence for the history I know and continuously seek to learn more. So, if I do not tie my arguments to a succinct history that does not make the following statements false.
Bantu Kelani
Faith is no substitute for FACTS! Archeological and historian materials available at present do raise VERY DISTURBING questions about the validity of the of Judeo-Christian theologies. We as nation of Africans have lost our knowledge of self ONLY because the REAL biblical Truth has been changed, abused to suit Imperialist aspiration of various Imposters. White men know that, but black folks are still in denial.
What is Christianity? You attack it, but admit you are not a Bible scholar. Do you really understand the Christian philosophy, or do you just hate the perverted versions of it that you've HEARD?
Bantu Kelani
It does not take a theologically astute to know that Christianity is the one religion who brought the Atlantic Slave Trade into existence! Because if I recall pope Martin V gave Christian Europe the blessing to enslave 'Negroid' Africans in 1502 and King James II sent many ships with African slaves to Europe and the New Word. King James came out with your modern day bible and he was a true Christian eh! So let ME ask you WHAT is Christianity? As a 'Negroid' AFRIKAN WHO KNOWS HISTORY, I AM HAPPY TO DECLARE YOU DON'T NEED CHRISTIANITY TO KNOW WHOM GOD IS!!
Bantu, every thing that you find important: loving people, respect, kindness, and reflection... It is all summed up in this commandment: Thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self. A true Christian, one who understands our faith, strives everyday to achieve this love.
Bantu Kelani
The European Christians do not practice Christianity, as it should be practiced in their everyday life just as much as modern day 'Negroid' Africans do not practice as it was ORIGINALLY practiced. Christianity is a European political instrument!
What contradictions exist in the Bible? Bantu_Kelani, can you point them out? Or can you merely tell me what you've heard the Bible says.
Bantu Kelani
Don't tempt me! I could post HUNDREDS of biblical contradictions and errors. In fact I would like to do it sooooo bad that I'm salivating at the mouth ...I will post just a few here. If the bible was the inspired word of God, it should have NO errors or contradictions. It should be a book that NO human mind could produce. But as we ALL know Romans so-called inspired authors have given the bible to us. Why would H.E allow H.I.S Word to be corrupted by incompetent men? And where the H.E comes from?? Could this MALE personification of GOD come from the European male dominated culture since their cave dwelling days?
*Contradiction number 1:
In Matthew 27:5, Judas threw down the pieces of silver in the temple, he departed and he went and hanged himself.
But in the Acts of the Apostles 1:18, Judas kept the silver and purchased a field with it; he went into it and falling headlong, he burst open and all his bowels gushed out.
That is a contradiction! He cannot have both left the money in the temple and purchased a field with it. He cannot have both hanged himself and threw himself face down into a field and exploded. One account MUST be false. Which one should you believe? Why should you be placed in this position of having to choose between scriptures as to which one is true and which one is false? Also, who purchased the field? Judas or the priests? Both of these stories cannot be true at the same time.
*Contradiction number 2:
Has anyone seen God?
John 1:18 - "No man hath seen God at any time."
Exodus 33:20 - "Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live."
I John 4:12 - "No man hath seen God at any time."
Genesis 32:30 - "For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved."
Exodus 33:11 - "And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend."
Isaiah 6:1 - "In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple."
Job 42:5 - "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee."
Has anyone seen HIM and lived? Or not? It says both. Both statements can't be true.
*Error number 1:
Isaiah, in 30:26, thinks that someday "the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun". This was written in the days when people thought the moon gave off it's own light. It does not. There is no "light of the moon".
*Error number 2:
Matthew 4:8 states that there is a high mountain from which all the kingdoms of the world can be seen. There is no such thing. (Note: this implies a flat earth!)
*Error number 3:
According to the bible, Ahaziah was 2 years older than his father Jehoram. What follows is an unbroken narrative from the Revised Standard Version, starting with 2nd Chronicles 21:20:
"He (Jehoram) was thirty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem; and he departed with no one's regret. They buried him in the city of David, but not in the tombs of the kings. (That makes Jehoram 40 when he died.)
And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahazi'ah his youngest son king in his stead; for the band of men that came with the Arabs to the camp had slain all the older sons. So Ahazi'ah the son of Jeho'ram king of Judah reigned.
Ahazi'ah was forty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem."
And you say this junk is the Word of God? More like drunken white men writing lies about some fire & brimstone God from the culture they come from! And since most of it come from desert people who stole it from other cultures we can see how 'Negroid' people and people in general can be enslaved or confused by such nonsense...
So in your religion, if your god only represents us as black people, are the rest of the races damned? And oh my goodness, what happens to people of cross-cultural races. If religion is indigenous to race, then multi-racial people are screwed. These are merely observations and questions.
Bantu Kelani
The bible excluded the Mayans, Inca, Eskimos, Australians, Indus, Japanese and Chinese. They are never mentioned and how come they don't have a prophet in the bible. Seems to me like the God of your bible is the one bigoted.
As to the Book of the Dead Did not a man write it? Is it not then subjected to the same claims that you bring against Christianity?
Bantu Kelani
The BOOK of the Coming forth by Day is hierolyglypics inscribed at the Temple of Luxor date more than 10,000 years ago! The modern translated versions were Texts put together by ENGLISH MEN. Those Texts are a few collection of the more accurate wisdom of Ancient 'Negroid' Africans. Our Ancestors didn't need any doctrine or books form the oppressors to be the MOST advanced and SPIRITUAL people on the planet!
Oh definitively...Moses existed, as did every other man and women in the Book.
Bantu Kelani
With all the litanies of disillusion, contradictions, improbabilities, chronological lapses and absence of corroborating evidence you are still advocating the veracity of the bible? OK, what if I tell you that in fact archaeologists dig in the Sinai and have found no trace of the tribes of Israel, not one shard of pottery! Their excavations also showed that Jericho was unwilled and uninhabited, which clearly seem to contradict the episodes portrayed in the bible. There is almost total absence of archaeological evidence backing up the Bible's grand descriptions of the Jerusalem of David and Solomon. Knowing these facts are you still going to claim Moses existed?
The bottom line is this: You don't understand REAL CHRISTIANITY.
Bantu Kelani
You ask me if I understand the King James Version of the Holy Bible and Christianity? Answer NO! I believe in the ORIGINAL scriptures produced by 'Negroid' Africans for 'Negroid' Africans more than 12,000 years in Alkebu-lan. Before the Greeks, our Civilization was much MORE SPIRITUAL and had much MORE INTEGRITY.
You've heard a lot of things and frankly, I wouldn't believe either if I had seen or heard the things you have.
Bantu Kelani
Don't take my word for it. Go do your own research THAT IS MY POINT and come back tell me what you find! All this I found form the Nile Valley Contribution to Civilization by Antony Browder, African Origins of the Major Western Religions by Yosef ben-Jochannan, Countee cullen's poetry esp. 'Black Jesus', Challenge of the Barons by Lekan Are, The Egyptian book of the Dead, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Anta Diop, Heroditus, Homer, mass media, Hollywood and my immediate cultural and religious oppression!
My prayers are with you. You are so intelligent. It's obvious in your posts. But don't be wise to the world and a fool to God. He loves you!!!!!!!!!
Bantu Kelani
When you PRAY just remember every 'Negroid' African slaves the Church captured, raped and lynched in the 'GOOD SHIP JESUS' in 1619. Amen!
A Question of phenotype!
September 25, 2003
"I just wanted to know why a person who otherwise brings good reasonings to our attention can at the same time show so much ignorance through using such a racist word like 'negro'."
Response by Yan
Well I believe Kelani has explained why she has used the term 'negroid african' to describe a particular African phenotype. She has said that no other word conjures up a widely recognizable image of the phenotype she described. As far as I can see that is an explanation. You have put forward other words but evidently she does not find them adequate for the description she seeks. We both agree that Kelani is a very well informed person and does bring good reasonings to the table here. She has also shown that she is clearly not unaware of the history of the word Negro. So then it would stand to reason that she is deliberately using the word to make a particular point that has not yet been addressed as far as I can tell.
The phenotype she has described is that of a particular type of African that receives the brunt of racism through out history. That is simple fact. Any denial of this is beyond me. Note I have not said that all blacks do not bear racism to some degree, but if you look at the issues of colourism, of hair and poor self-image you will see that the image most absent from public consciousness as a symbol of beauty, acceptability and sophistication is this particular phenotype. Thus she felt a need to differentiate this African from others, some of whom may be more semetic/arabized in physical characteristics e.g. some north and east Africans, particularly many modern day Ethiopians, Egyptians, etc as well as mixed race Africans in the Diaspora. This is an issue that many Africans, especially many on this board, shy away from under the banner of 'unity'.
Now back to the 'N' word. The history of it is known, it has been well explained by you and Ayinde and countless others. However what one may find offensive another may not and what one sees as a truth another may not. I think there is a deeper issue here that is not being responded to because of an emotional reaction.
"I raise the question again, why is it so important for her to uphold a designation which has been imposed on us by the (former) slavemaster? BECAUSE DOGS AND SLAVES GET A NAME FROM THEIR MASTER, FREE PEOPLE GIVE THEMSELVES A NAME!!!"
Response by Yan
Well, maybe when the core issue of the post is addressed we may see the root of why the word has been used again and again. In my experience people do not respond well to accusations, browbeating or arrogant instructions to change their thinking. As for your assertion that she "uphold (s) a designation which has been imposed on us by the (former) slavemaster?" I can only present my opinion. The slave masters have not left, they in many ways are among our own ranks, as the African of the phenotype described is still viewed as a second class citizen by many so called Africans who make repeated calls for unity at the expense of honest reasoning on the multifaceted nature of racism. Using the word should FORCE us to confront this. We all know which Africans were initially described as Negroes and we all know what 'negroid' characteristics are. While the word does illicit legitimate emotional reactions we need to get past it and reason the issue at hand. Only when we PROPERLY ADDRESS the past and the present can it be put to bed. Any other order is lip service. Maybe many on this forum do not like addressing other serious aspects of racism, but the ongoing denial is the very reason that unity is illusive and why further changes are always necessary.