Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: RAS_UWAH on June 17, 2003, 10:33:24 PM

Title: a new life
Post by: RAS_UWAH on June 17, 2003, 10:33:24 PM
as it appears to be the moment you've waited for your whole life. The words you breathed from kalil gibran. SLowly I loved your mind,body,and soul. Only to know my fate inevidable/to now if only I could love who I wanted without fear of telling that person the truth.Hope that they would love me back the same if my soul led me too them.

    an as I walk to the doorways of my closed soul to open it to the world. I knocked on faith. An the door did not open.yet I keep my faith in the almighty no longer for love.
but for strength to go on without
         an I apologize to love mistakes
yet make mistakes to apologize.
ALthough the only mistake i've ever made was to have found love in your eye' love my eye's look away respect and honor to my heart's to the one she loves.see you next life time I'll maybe chase you then lol!
and i'm spent..........