Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: iyah360 on December 04, 2003, 10:18:54 AM

Title: Nubia
Post by: iyah360 on December 04, 2003, 10:18:54 AM


"The land of Nubia is a desert divided by the river Nile. For want of water and rich soil, most of Nubia has never been able to support a large population for long periods. However, some of Africa's greatest civilizations emerged here, centers of achievement whose existence was based on industry and trade. Because they did not write their own languages until very late in ancient times, we know these centers and their people largely through their archaeology and what the Egyptians and Greeks said about them."

"For unjustifiable reasons Nubian Civilization has been overlooked in favor of the another Great Egyptian Civilization. Respectivelly all findings in the past have been attributed to Egypt, while Egypt's High Dam made it impossible for current excavations. More than 100 of Nubian villages in (most of them in Sudan )with all monuments,tombs,temples were flooded by the waters of Nasser Lake after the construction of this High dam. Very few monuments (only 4)of Nubia of Sudan were saved during an international campaign by world community to salvage Nubian Culture, while 20 or more were saved from the Egyptian Monuments during the same campaign.

This Great Civilization has been dealt with great unfairness and intentional negligence. Recently the awareness towards Nubia started growing rapidly among Scholars,archaeologists,Nubian,African,African-Arabs,African-Americans ,Disaparos and several Museums in America and Europe . Several missions and Institutes are carrying on excavations in Sudan to shed more light on this great Nubia...However still most of the findings are being attributed to Egypt and Egyptology The chances that this Great African Civilization might be overlooked again is prevailing , if we take in consideration the economical and other difficulties in Sudan. It is the role of all Africans African-Arabs,African-Americans ,Disaparo and the international community to initiate another Salvage Campaign of the Nubian Civilization. This time not to save it from inundation by water but from inundation by negligence and being overlooked again."
