Title: Timeo Beckles et Dona Ferentes Post by: News on August 11, 2017, 12:09:57 AM By Stephen Kangal
August 06, 2017 There can be at least three reactions to the question of lumping Indians and Africans together by Sir Hilary Beckles for advancing his money-based regional CARICOMesse reparations agenda: 1. One cannot trust Afro-Caribbean intellectuals to sincerely look after the interests of Caribbean Indians after they have been excluded in the first instance by CARICOM. 2. They cannot help but look at and re-create “Indianness” through African lenses and studiously ignore the peculiar socio-cultural values and distinctive characteristics of the Indian community as expressed, inter alia, on their presence in the Caribbean. 3. They have their own peculiar intellectual superiority agenda to promote at the expense of the Indians who are expected to be dotish, quiet and docile. If they get money they will take 95% and let the Indians have the rest as pittance. Look at the aftermath of the 1970 Revolution in Trinidad when Indians and Africans were expected to unite against underlying white supremacy and senior Indian public servants were eventually dissed from the Public Service, including the late Frank Rampersad, to placate growing African sentiments by Dr Williams. Full Article: http://www.trinidadandtobagonews.com/blog/?p=10194 (http://www.trinidadandtobagonews.com/blog/?p=10194) |