Title: BLACK PEOPLE'S LOVE SHALL REDEEM Post by: aldred on January 17, 2004, 12:23:52 PM B.L.A.C.K P.E. O. P. L. E. S.’ L.O.V.E S.H.A.L.L. R.E.D.E.E.M
(17/12/2003) B.lackness is our call L.iberation for all A.fricans C.ontinents and K.ingdoms home and abroad where ever home may be P.rotection for ourselves - our loved ones and our birthrights E.njoying the freedom of our O.wn and P.roud to be what we are ment to be L.abour for the good of all E.verlasting S.hout out about our H.urt and fight to A.cclaim peace of mind in L.ove and L.oyalty R.ights - our human rights E.verywhere on this planet without regards we D.emand this basic human right of freedom to be E.verything pertaining to us must be redeemed E.volution in M.otion For we are one Like birds of a feather We are stuck together We are from the same tree of life We are that strange fruit hanging from the POPULAR tree Bitter sweet Without us this world could never be We are B.L.A.C.K. We are from the same tree LET US REGAIN FOR WE WILL REMAIN To see our children Playing in our pastures once again Let JAH be praised |