Title: Gods of Afrika Post by: Nazarite on January 19, 2004, 04:06:16 PM Bless.Just so InI can relate to the divers cultures of InI people,this link has most of them from A to Z!
http://www.pantheon.org/areas/mythology/africa/african/articles.html Title: Re: Gods of Afrika Post by: Yeefon_Abena_Mawus on June 16, 2004, 03:36:58 AM Great Greetings,
We must always be careful about "facts" from the internet. I can see several descrepencies in this list, without even going outside of the list. i.e. Mawu is called both the twin brother and the husband of Lisa. We must always dig further to be sure. Yeefon Abena Mawusi Title: Re: Gods of Afrika Post by: OlOrisa_Olokun on June 27, 2004, 04:35:33 AM there are better sites out there. but the intent is understood. after 14 years being a devotee in Orisa'Ifa and multiple experiences and friends in various african religions, i would recommend many sites, here are a few (there are many more that are complete useless. lol).
These are all owned and operated by devotees and priests in good standing in their respective traditions. Adade Kofi Bosomfie Sankofa (http://members.aol.com/akbsankofa/AKBSHomepage.html ) Asomdwee Fie (pronounced Ah-Soom-gee-Fee-a) Shrine of the Abosom and Nsamanfo (http://www.afsani.org/) Kingdom of Oyotunji African Village (http://www.oyotunjivillage.net/oyo2_001.htm) Awo Study Center (http://www.awostudycenter.com/) Ile Orunmila Temple (http://www.ifainc.org/) Temple of Ifa (http://www.templeofifa.com/index.htm) Egbe Mimo Anago Ile Oshun (http://www.geocities.com/anagooshun) Cultural Expressions (http://www.cultural-expressions.com/) Ile Osikan (http://www.ileosikan.freeservers.com/) Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye (http://www.church-of-the-lukumi.org) (Fought for Traditional rights to perform blood sacrifice up to Supreme Court) Orisa Mailing List (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/orisalist) (Oldest Internet Forum of Priests and Devotees) Outstanding Priests of Traditional African Religion (http://www.geocities.com/priestmemorial/) Organization for Lukumi Unity (OLU) (http://www.lukumiunity.org/) Ile Axe Opo Afonja (http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1322/page5.html) Jambalya Spirit (http://www.jambalayaspirit.org/) Ile Ifa Jalumi (http://www.jalumi.com/) Yoruba Religion.org (http://www.yorubareligion.org/first/first.html) The Ancestral Call (http://theancestralcall.com/) West African Dahomean Vodoun (http://www.mamiwata.com/mami.html) New Afrikan Vodun (http://www.geocities.com/omo_sango_oya/) |