Title: WE ARE WEARY OF THEIR THEORY Post by: aldred on February 01, 2004, 09:07:48 PM WE ARE WEARY OF THEIR THEORY
Their eyes glare as they stare We are weary of their theory They are scary And as the truth surfaces They become drape(ed) in fear Dreary drenched This I see clearly They are caught up in self repetition They are so full of confusion Total and mental derision As they continue trying to make human decision Through demon vision Their only purpose here on this dirt To use mankind contrary Calling on their master plan They never cease Always trying to increase They never cease to release the beasts in feast They digress with no recess In their manifested chest Of evil abreast They never care less So welcome to the Terrordrome Welcome to the Terrordrome Welcome to the Terrordrome Welcome This ! Their modern Rome This ! They call home In elated deflation of past recognition They are bellowing As they blow But under stress We are mellowing Listen ! Listen ! Listen ! They try to sing our song Hear them ! As they try to sing our song Listen ! Listen ! Listen ! LISTEN to the sounds of distant drums Hear these sounds of drums Listen to the sounds of your blackness As their lies are shown The truth is made known So be weary Be weary of their theory Of what has been And of what is to come Hear the drums Hear those distant drums COME ! And listen to the sounds of your blackness LISTEN !! |