Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: rastafrog on February 15, 2004, 07:54:23 AM

Title: Politricks? To play or not?
Post by: rastafrog on February 15, 2004, 07:54:23 AM
let us approach this with purpose in mind.

It is true that politicians at heart are whores who pander from behind mask to fool the people with promises of improvement.  And so, many are discouraged from the voting booth.  Not just Rasta.  Many are discouraged-Rasta just puts words to it. That's the only difference.
I pose a question.
If it can be assumed that through great effort the political "game" can bear true benefit to the people.
How best do we play?

Title: Re: Politricks? To play or not?
Post by: iyah360 on February 16, 2004, 09:38:50 AM
let us approach this with purpose in mind.

It is true that politicians at heart are whores who pander from behind mask to fool the people with promises of improvement.  And so, many are discouraged from the voting booth.  Not just Rasta.  Many are discouraged-Rasta just puts words to it. That's the only difference.
I pose a question.
If it can be assumed that through great effort the political "game" can bear true benefit to the people.
How best do we play?

Organize . . . one of the reasons special interests have so much power is because they have mastered the art of organization . . . which is a skill which ones who do not have access to wealth can also tap into. This can be done on a community level . . . the power which resides in each community can be harnessed and meaningful change can take place on a local level. If a community is self-sufficient, the people will have greater self-determination than if they are simply relying on the larger system which they are dependent on. Local currency projects, community gardens, etc. are great places to start.

The demoncrazy game is too under control to be of any real benefit IMHO.

Title: Re: Politricks? To play or not?
Post by: Oshun_Auset on February 16, 2004, 03:54:17 PM

You hit it on the nose.

Organization of the masses is the only way to defeat the elitist capitalist shitstem.

Title: Politricks
Post by: Ras_Legacy on February 23, 2004, 08:54:13 AM
Yeh, i agree, and i seh this: It is better to be part of the resistance than to join the force you are fighting. It does no use to vote for people who seh they "represent" ya issues, ya concerns, and do nothing for you. It makes no difference who is in political office if they are only trying to help themselves and those like them.
The best way to practice politics is to watch it from a distance, and organize an action to counter the behind-the-scenes evil that takes place so often in politricks.
"Africa Unite...unite for the benefit of your people...."
-Bob Marley, Africa Unite