Title: Haitian Vodou drumming Post by: Bantu_Kelani on February 26, 2004, 05:09:34 AM Vodou has great emotive power. The chanting, dancing and drumming during religious ritual bring a strong and passionate energy to participants. The body feels free, primeval, like some ancient Gods at one with animals and the elements. The periods of Vodou rituals develop and attune the participants to the same source of love and life filled with joy and peace below the threshold of consciousness. Thus, Vodou is not just a religion, it's an African style of healing and style of unification. The beats of African, Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Caribbean music and the soulful Black singing have been inspired by Yoruba or Vodou rhythms. Vodou is our history whether we want to believe it or not. Black people worldwide are all Vodouists by culture![smiley=grin.gif]
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/5319/listdances.htm#listdances Bantu Kelani. Title: Re: Haitian Vodou drumming Post by: Oshun_Auset on February 26, 2004, 02:30:07 PM I completely agree(of course)...
The drumming and dancing puts me in what I like to call an active meditative state. I can actually say when being surrounded by drumming and participating in dancing I experience the most joyful and emotional momments in life. It makes me feel closer to the creator and creation. I feel at one with the All. To follow in our ancestors footsteps and get back to our spirituality, is a truly beautiful experience. Mo fi sin Olorun! |