Title: Art of Warriors Post by: Happiness on April 01, 2004, 04:58:43 PM Cool, cunning and suave
Face the world with improv Deception, manipulation, an award to claim An actor destined for universal fame Born into an unjust society Trained to deal with bitter anxiety Calm, cool and collective construction Subsist aggression, construe destruction No space for love in his heart An organ damaged, torn apart A resentful world full of fear He defends his honor with a spear Not with a weapon of physical form A sixth sense to face any storm A Lion Emperor protecting his jungle A King of grace which all will follow Traveling a path to integrity Progressing ever smooth, ever steadily Leading a life of fabrication and veracity Labeling him the very definition of polarity ________________________________________ This was inspired by the character definition of the many "black" Kings that have crossed my path in this lifetime. Truth, knowledge and overstanding, Empress Happiness |