Title: God In Man - Marcus Garvey Post by: iyah360 on April 09, 2004, 11:44:32 AM God In Man
0 weary son of sorrow great! How apt art thou to bow and grieve, And count all things thy solemn fate, As if thou canst not self retrieve! May I not tell the story true Of that Eternal Force that is- The Force that makes the world and you; The Force that rules and ever lives? Thou art the living force in part, The Spirit of the Mighty 1; The God of Heaven and your heart Is Spirit that can never die. You're what you are in heart and mind, Because you will it so to be; The man who tries himself to find, Is light to all, and great is he. In each and every one is God, In everything atomic life; There is no death beneath the sod, This fact, not knowing, brings the strife. August 26, 1927 |