Title: Black Blood Post by: Poetic_Princess on April 14, 2004, 08:31:25 AM BLACK BLOOD
Intro.. They keep telling me that they come in peace But all they talk about is the war that they fight Their consciousness will never let them ease So I tell them that this war aint mine The story begins... With a time where our great-grandmothers fought the cold nights Waiting patiently, but anxiously, Like the cattle about to be slaughtered So that they too could shed their blood As their husbands had and will do In the hope that their loved ones wounds would not let them die Fighting in honor of the star spangled America Dream. The new home The new path to Freedom, A life free of such hardship That their forefathers had bore before them Where they could walk colorless streets and not be judged Where their children could drink form the eternal springs of Their fortunes... And be lost in dreams that would be brought home From their soldiers who gallantly trenched the fields and defended white-bloodied Shattered bodies..... Visions of how they would stand with heads held high And would shed tears filled with joyous cries Proud women that they would be, Upon the return of their ships that were set sail to sea They too would give their blood in honor of their men So that wounds could be healed while defending their new found home... But dreams, oh how dreams are so easily lost, taken and stripped away To the very core, and no longer bearing fruits of a future that no longer would be no more Within these hopes – a truth is unlocked, there must come a realization that all things come with a cost. Waiting, patiently, like the cattle to a slaughter So that they too could shed their blood Only to be told "We don't take Negro blood here" "We do not take Negro blood here" Yes they had heard right - Not only were their men engaged in their own war But now they too had their own fight There were cries of “when my baby lays down to die What blood will you give him so that he can survive?” You see there comes a time when an order is broken and FREEDOM takes on a different suitor Our great-great-grandfathers, Our fathers Our black soldiers, Our husbands, and brothers Who traveled from far and distant continents to fight and defend the American honor Were sent to a war A war that was not EVEN their war This somehow did not seem right Black blood was good enough then, Even for the white *written by my friend Keimar* Title: Re: Black Blood Post by: out_of_Zion on April 14, 2004, 08:51:17 AM Tell Keimar he's an excellent writer - reminds me of Langston Hughes
Title: Re: Black Blood Post by: Poetic_Princess on April 14, 2004, 09:21:50 PM He is very gifted indeed, he send his uttermost thanks
Blessings out_of_Zion |