Title: THAT MAN THINKS HE’S GOD Post by: emmanuel on May 06, 2004, 01:27:42 PM Who made these laws?
That man did Who made us slaves? That man did Who separated our families? That man did Who raped our mothers? That man did Who brutalized our fathers? That man did Who sold our sisters? That man did Who castrated our brothers? That man did Who sardined us in ships? That man did Who made living the grave? That man did Who took us to hell? That man did Who branded us with irons hot? That man did Who labelled us with lies? That man did Who rearranged our minds? That man did Who kept us in shackles? That man did Who bound us in chains? That man did Who caused us pain? That man did Who still cause us pain, untill this day? That man Who keeps on killing the innocent? That man Who plays with life? That man Who dramatize with words? That man Who created three worlds in one? That man Who puts himself high above GOD? That man Who is that man? The living DEAD. Is that MAN? That is MAN? That is DEATH WARMED UP Is that man? That man is VAMPIRE, BLOOD SUCKER Is that man? That man is corrupt Is that man? WHO IS THAT? IS THAT MAN? THAT IS DEATH Is that man. THAT MAN THINKS HE’S GOD! THAT MAN HAS GOT A GOD COMPLEX! Title: Re: THAT MAN THINKS HE’S GOD Post by: leslie on May 06, 2004, 03:17:52 PM keep them coming!!!
Title: Re: THAT MAN THINKS HE’S GOD Post by: Poetic_Princess on May 06, 2004, 08:31:03 PM Very Strong Piece, and great force of feeling of the emotions
Great Job Much Blessings |