Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: Poetic_Princess on May 19, 2004, 09:47:17 PM

Title: Wombman
Post by: Poetic_Princess on May 19, 2004, 09:47:17 PM
How many times have we heard it?
But have we ever understood it?
Do we know what it means?
Do we know about its dreams?
Have we ever realized its importance?
Or ever thought about its tolerance?

Title: Re: Wombman
Post by: out_of_Zion on May 20, 2004, 08:16:18 PM
This is at last bone of my bones,
And flesh of my flesh.
This one will be called Woman,
Because from man this one was taken.

-Genesis 2:23