Title: Black Swan Post by: Poetic_Princess on July 08, 2004, 04:01:14 PM Black Swan
I sit confused and my heart is bruised i sit alone while my future is postponed I sit and await for my missing soulmate while my hearts in pain stained and slain the blood is drain like a cystic vein changed emotions sadder then abortions gods potion cant bring back my dyin devotion as i let my heart beat with no sound..drowned by my tears i build inside which mounds creatin a poem using ink so much it weighs a pound. so i sleep tonight with my light on and dream of the times we agreed upon and make pretend that you never where gone creatin fairy tales in my head this time you where a beautiful black swan. Quote:Strength is overcome with weakness Joy is overcome with pain The night is overcome with brightness And love it remains the same. Blessings and Hotep |