Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: hard_truth on August 31, 2004, 03:55:38 PM

Title: black love and racial unity do not controdict
Post by: hard_truth on August 31, 2004, 03:55:38 PM
I just want to type some thoughts Im feeling ,   I dont expect to change any minds just make some points i feel revelant . I man am a Rasta , an my view points reflect my trod. I see alot of argument on race here and my thoughts are this. Haile Selassie spoke on many issues, As for race I see a dual message of African inity and the brotherhood of man. Both are attainable an really go togather .I dont see one without the other. Some dont seem to understand non blacks desire to be in the faith.To them I say its simple, Selassie "s  words ,bobs words , the ible , even the most militant of Binghi elders like Ras bongo Watto prerached a message that resinated with all races. They all preached that dual message! Bob was half white , bongo Wattos best friend an roomate was white(ikel Tafari)HM spoke of a new race an called color an nationality petty !  When Whites or others (Im latino -white an cherokee) study these words of right  ,INI came into the fold.    Now with  a clear mesasage to the contary such as the nation of islam , you wont see many whites on the mission to be involved .  There the message is clear.  When I first heard the Music a a youth checking for fari , one of the first things I came to is to be Rasta you must know the ivinity of HIM an accept his words a fact, like them or not , period!It wasnt about your race , the message was we are all africans , uniting as one to mash down the system ! No partiality !No exclusion!  I dont see it as divide n rule to see the truth , that Rasta is not just a liberation movmant for blacks but the healing of all nations. repatriation starts with the spirit an Jah never run no wire fence ! In the end all boarder an even conception of race will fade away.For as it was in the begining , is now and so shall it be in a world without end! Rastafari live

Title: Re: black love and racial unity do not controdict
Post by: preach on September 01, 2004, 06:09:08 PM
peace hard  truth
can you explain the idea that black love and racial unity do not contradict a little further.  thanks