Title: Pan-African Parliament Opens in South Africa Post by: Ayinde on September 16, 2004, 10:09:31 AM Africa's new representative body, the Pan-African Parliament, has opened its first session in its new home in South Africa.
South African President Thabo Mbeki was joined by drummers and dancers to welcome the 265-seat assembly to Midrand, a business district outside Johannesburg. Mr. Mbeki called the creation of the parliament a proud moment for Africa and urged members to force a collective African identity. Full Article @ voanews.com (http://www.voanews.com/Zimbabwe/article.cfm?objectID=4E5C97C5-05AB-4C2D-90B3FBC185557EF5&title=Pan-African%20Parliament%20Opens%20in%20South%20Africa) |