Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

WORLD HOT SPOTS => Around the World => Topic started by: Ayinde on October 27, 2004, 02:37:31 PM

Title: Black gold fuels a scramble
Post by: Ayinde on October 27, 2004, 02:37:31 PM
October 28, 2004


Simon Mann, manacled left, leader of 70 foreigners arrested in Zimbabwe over the coup attempt. Photo: AFP


West Africa has a 10th of the world's oil and a tiny state within it is attracting attention, writes Anthony Ham.

The discovery of oil off West Africa - dubbed by industry analysts as "the new El Dorado" - has triggered a new push by Western governments and oil companies to seize Africa's resources.

Crucially, the Gulf of Guinea's low-sulphur, high-quality crude oil lies offshore. This allows the oil industry to insulate itself from the instability and anti-Western hostility of the Middle East, and from the entanglements of Nigeria's Niger Delta where up to 200,000 barrels of oil are lost daily through smuggling or siphoning.

Western governments also hope that West Africa - home to 10 per cent of world oil reserves - may nullify Saudi Arabia's ability to manipulate capacity and thereby exert influence over the price of oil.

If West Africa is the new El Dorado, then the tiny state of Equatorial Guinea could be the new Kuwait. With a population of just over 500,000, it will soon be sub-Saharan Africa's third-largest oil producer, behind Nigeria and Angola.

In 2001 and 2002, Equatorial Guinea's economy grew annually by 65 per cent. According to the United Nations, Equatorial Guinea has, in theory at least, the sixth-highest per capita income ($A40,400) in the world after adjustments for purchasing power parity. At the same time, its inhabitants live under one of the most repressive regimes in Africa. Arbitrary arrest, torture, beatings, killings and sham elections are commonplace.

In July 2003, a US subcommittee reported that about $US700 million ($A940 million) was in bank accounts held by President Teodoro Obiang Nguema and his family in the Washington-based Riggs Bank. Their investigations also unearthed deposits directly linked to US oil companies.

The attempted coup d'etat in Equatorial Guinea in March had everything: white mercenaries, alleged financiers whose names read like a celebrity B-list of the British establishment and the alleged involvement of foreign governments. President Obiang, who describes oil as the "new honey" that "attracts the foreign bees", has accused the US and UK governments of knowing a coup was imminent but of failing to warn his Government.

But accusations of actual involvement in the failed coup attempt have been reserved for the then Spanish government of prime minister Jose Maria Aznar. In February, just before the coup attempt, two Spanish warships left the NATO naval base at Rota, southern Spain, with 500 elite troops, some of whom were told that they were bound for Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony.

A day before the coup attempt, Severo Moto Nsa (leader of the Equatorial Guinea government-in-exile, based in Madrid) allegedly boarded a light plane bound for Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea. Mr Moto reportedly received word on a refuelling stop that the coup attempt had failed. He returned to Spain, as did the two battleships.

He has consistently argued that regime change in Equatorial Guinea is legitimate, but has denied a part in the coup.

Whoever was responsible, this clumsy, poorly planned attempt at regime change in the name of oil qualifies as one of the most sordid episodes in recent African history. And yet again, ordinary Africans are left with no say in how their resources are exploited.

Anthony Ham writes on international oil issues.