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WORLD HOT SPOTS => Around the World => Topic started by: kristine on October 31, 2004, 06:02:35 PM

Title: October Video Jihad Surprise
Post by: kristine on October 31, 2004, 06:02:35 PM
October Video Jihad Surprise:
What's Wrong with This Picture?

By J.J. Johnson

And it came to pass when Osama said:

"...You American people, my speech to you is the best way to avoid another conflict about the war and its reasons and results. I am telling you security is an important pillar of human life. And free people don't let go of their security, contrary to Bush's claims that we hate freedom...."

Wait a minute - a speech... to me?

Okay, before someone other than Cronkite yells "October Surprise"...

a) Has anyone out there seen the ENTIRE transcript of the recent two video messages from Team Jihad?

b) Why would a guy born with the name "Pearlman" (Azzan the American) pal up with a bunch of folks that live to kill his kind?

c) Why is Bin Laden and Team Jihad all but throwing the election in W's direction?

If someone has the FULL transcript, we'd sure like to see it here.

No, not just what Al-Jihad TV (or whatever their name is) put on the air. I want the whole thing. This is the same binLaden that was supposed to be

a) Dead
b) Living in a cave with bad kindeys
c) Gravely ill
d) Never to go on tape again until AFTER the next attack in the US.
e) All of the above??

We're not taking sides here, folks - just calling 'em as we see 'em. Point is, if Team Jihad says they have a message for we Americans, I for one would like to here/read/see it - and not have any government or media outlet decided what's too sensitive for my eyes and ears.

You see (and excuse me putting on the conspiracy cap once again)... Our enemy has no problem posting a beheading or two in the internet for everyone to see - FROM THE MIDDLE OF A WAR ZONE... but when it comes to two important messages that you WANT the American people to see (including one in English), you drop it off at Al Jazerra TV and an ABC news contact in Pakistan via courier?

Please understand why this Real American is scratching his head.

Perhaps there is a Jihad Warrior out there surfing the web. Frankly, the way our government watches the internet traffic in this country (even binLaden allegedly knows about the Patriot Act), and being a little bit net savvy myself, I've been wondering how you guys manage to upload whole videos to the internet in a war zone with no one pin-pointing the origin of upload, but that's another story. As much as you folks in Jihad land love getting messages out via the internet - why not these two important ones? Why not at least full transcripts? That certainly wouldn't clog up the bandwidth.

Or am I missing something here?

And with what Team Jihad is saying - Hey folks...we're talking Osama in a full suit, and Yankee Jihad boy (born kosher??) giving the rant in English? If these folks are watching us so close, don't they know that we're about 3 days away from proving to the world that we can't even practice democracy in our own country - save trying to build it anywhere else?

Hey Adam Gadahn, or Adam Pearlman, or whatever your name is: If you wanted the streets of America to run with blood, you should have just kept your nose out of the November 2nd election. Heck, I'm surprise we haven't begun killing each other at Florida polling places already. The way we're behaving here, you could put a fork in America and call 'er done by say….Jan 1, 2005.

Maybe Team Jihad saw what a bonehead move the Kerry/New York Times/UN/CBS team was making spending the last few days of the election hanging their hats on missing explosives from one of hundreds of ordinance bunkers. Maybe they were trying to help the Senator from Massachusetts. (That's right, Kerry folks - your boy went and slammed men and women in arms while trying to take a cheap shot at an administration for political gain…some one should have told him NOT to repeat the mistakes of the past - it never plays well back home).

And another thing, Osama: I read those 'excerpts' as I read things you've allegedly said before. Strange, I've never known you to ever make this….. personal. But it seems you have here, talking directly about the Bush family. Hmmm…..

Unless this author sees more data coming out, America may be suffering from either a serious 'bait and switch operation', or falling for a good dose of psyche-warfare. In the direct e-mail sent from the Sierra Times, we asked if anyone had seen the full transcript. Yes, we got plenty of responses of folks sending us the excerpts - that are all over the internet already.

Excerpts do not make full transcripts.

No, I'm not saying the Bush team is behind this. But this is clearly out of character for Team Jihad, and leaves more questions then answers. From the tone and demeanor of binLaden's statement, it seems he has a problem with our policies toward our 'staunch ally' Israel. Apparently, the Act of War on September 11, 2001 was 'payback' for something Israel/America did a few years back. He is quoted as saying, "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al-Qaida. Your security is in your hands. Each state that doesn't mess with our security has automatically secured their security…", thus proving that Osama doesn't know America as well as he thinks…

You see, we, the American people have no control over our government's policy toward Israel. It remains a matter that is clearly out of our hands.

In fairness (assuming everything is above board here), Osama & Co. have a definite reason to be concerned about Bush getting re-elected. You see, even IF Team Jihad has something dastardly planned for us, Ol' Dubya would be in his second term, not having to worry about getting re-elected, and not having to worry about a backlash for taking the gloves off in the Middle East. (yeah - taking the gloves off, e.g, getting 'unconventional' - if you know what I mean). And yes, Team Jihad: as fractured as this nation may be at this time, the American people would demand an escalation of combat intensity if another attack occurred here. (for hints of what that could be, read the book of Revelation)

If the Muslims of the world want the policy toward Israel to change, then this author might wisely suggest they take all that oil and opium revenue and invest in a third party movement in this country, rather than a Third World War.. Why not? After all, seems every other foreign interest(s) has tried to influence this election. Why should radical Islamic terrorists be any different?

Not taking sides…just callin' em as we see 'em. Keep your powder dry…

J.J. Johnson - Sierra