Title: ZUMBI DOS PALMARES Post by: Oshun_Auset on March 17, 2005, 01:12:05 PM ZUMBI DOS PALMARES
(http://www.cwo.com/~lucumi/zumbi.jpg) Zumbi (Slave Freedom Fighter: 1655-1695) by Fernando Correia da Silva Translated by Alison Kay Entrekin WHEN IT ALL HAPPENED... c. 1600: Blacks who have escaped slave labour on the sugar plantations in Pernambuco found the maroon community, or quilombo, of Palmares in theSerra da Barriga hills. The population grows incessantly, later reaching 30 thousand. For the slaves, Palmares is the Promised Land. - 1630: The Dutch invade the Northeast of Brazil. - 1644: Just as the Portuguese failed, the Dutch also fail in their attempt to destroy Palmares. - 1654: The Portuguese drive the Dutch out of the Northeast of Brazil. - 1655: Zumbi is born in one of the many settlements of Palmares. - 1662(?): Still a child, Zumbi is taken prisoner by soldiers and given to Father António Melo. He is baptised Francisco and later learns to help at mass and studies Portuguese and Latin. - 1670: Zumbi runs away and returns to Palmares. - 1675: In the battle against Portuguese soldiers commanded by Sergeant-Major Manuel Lopes, Zumbi shows himself to be a great warrior and military organiser. - 1678: Pedro Almeida, governor of the captaincy of Pernambuco, is more interested in the submission of Palmares than its destruction and approaches chief Ganga Zumba with a proposal of peace and freedom for all runaway slaves. Ganga Zumba accepts, but Zumbi is opposed to the idea; he cannot accept that some blacks should be free while others remain in slavery. - 1680: Zumbi becomes the leader of Palmares and commands the resistance movement against the Portuguese soldiers. - 1694: With the help of heavy artillery, Domingos Jorge Velho and Vieira de Mello lead the final attack against Cerca do Macaco, the main settlement of Palmares. Although wounded, Zumbi manages to escape. - November 20, 1695: Turned in by an old companion, Zumbi is hunted down, taken prisoner and beheaded. http://www.vidaslusofonas.pt/zumbi_dos_palmares2.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Zumbi Festival in Uniao dos Palmares. (http://www.cwo.com/~lucumi/zumbi2.jpg) Monument to Zumbi Uniao dos Palmares lies thirty miles from the Alagoas state capital of Maceio. It was here, in an area called Serra de Barriga that Zumbi, a fugitive slave, organized an independent village comprised of Black men and women who escaped from slavery. These free Republics were called quilombos. The Quilombo of Palmares, was the largest and lasted the longest, approximately 100 years from 1600 to 1695. The total population of Palmares reached 20,000 runaway slaves (almost 15% of Brazil's population at that time. One of the most famous leaders of Palmares was Zumbi who was born in 1655 in one of the villages of Palmares. He became a great leader by having overcome ordeals and not "whitening" himself. Courageous, with the capacity to organize and command, he became a myth among African Brazilians--not a hidden myth, but one revealed. Zumbi means: the force and spirit of the present. The monument to Zumbi, in Zumbia National Park, created in his honor, is the focal point for the Zumbi Celebrations, the commemorations held every November 20th, the date of his death. This date has now become National Black Consciousness Day in Brazil. http://www.cwo.com/~lucumi/trip2005-2.html |