Title: Mr. African Post by: Bantu_Kelani on April 18, 2005, 12:02:39 PM Mr. African
By Prince Akbar aka Jus Rhymz Mr. African Mr. “I came to America, And I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps.” Mr. “American Blacks are just lazy, And beg white folks for food stamps.” Mr. “Ain’t got shit to say About African nations begging for foreign aid.” Mr. “Refugee, Coming to my country with dreams of getting paid.” Mr. “Black folks blame racism for everything, And their claims are shallow.” Mr. “Shocked as hell When he read about Amadou Diallo.” Mr. “Always quick to point out black folks say ‘axe’ Instead of ‘ask.’” Mr. “Don’t make me start mocking Your Swahili talking ass.” Mr. “It seems all blacks do Is sell drugs and make raps.” Mr. “It seems all Africans do is braid hair and drive cabs.” Mr. “Black folks need to learn slavery Was a long f***ing time ago. Damn!” Mr. “Quick to discuss African colonization, And the current affect on his homeland.” Mr. “Black Crips and Bloods Do ‘drive by’s’ and they terrorize.” Mr. “Need to quit pretending that in Rwanda, The Hutu’s and the Tutsi’s cherished lives.” Mr. “America’s the richest country on earth, And blacks still don’t have shit.” Mr. “Africa’s the wealthiest continent in raw materials, Yet there’s plenty of famine in it.” Mr. “I refuse to let my African daughter date a black man Because she might get HIV.” Mr. “Last time I checked AIDS was killing off women All over the mother country.” Mr. “I don’t want anything to do with black folks. Those people aren’t my kind.” Mr. “Got into Harvard University Thanks to the Affirmative Action fight we designed.” Mr. “We could go back and forth, All day, all night.” Mr. “Your bitterness towards me, And my rage towards you isn’t right.” Mr. “Instead of exchanging insults, And disgraceful remarks, Mr. we should be united, And fighting these sharks.” Mr. England’s gotten rich Off your country your sweat. Mr. America enjoyed centuries of free labor Forced sex. Mr. Belgium, Mr. France Mr. Italy, Mr. Spain, Mr. “Pick any European nation Discover our pain.” Mr. “Whatever happen To Garvey, Elijah, Lumumba, Mr. Biko, Dubois, Malcolm, Selassie, Nkrumah?” Mr. African. Many a soldier has tried to unite us and died. Mr. let us discard all these egos, And worthless pride. Mr. Let us unite. Mr. African. Mr. Now! Mr. “Empower the masses. They’re asking us how!” |