Title: Mama Afrika Post by: Ras_Kwame on May 31, 2005, 02:24:14 AM Afrika! Mama Afrika!
Great is your love and mercy Afrika! Mama Afrika! Wonderful are your carings for your childern You house the mightest oh Mama The bravest live within your boundary So do the fastest You also house the largest and most exotic creatures None is braver than your Lion None is faster than your little son, the Cheetah Who on land is larger than your Elephant? And who is taller than the Giraffe? Who among the dwellers of the forests Is more beautiful than the Zebra? Who is more longsuffering than you oh Mama? Who is more forgiving than you oh Mama? None! And none again. Let all of the children of this graceful Mother Join the birds of her air and sing her a joyful song The Sahara, the Nile, the Killimanjaro The savanah and the rainforests all expresses her beauty Out of her womb all this original Afrikans spring forth from Afrika! Mama Afrika! You're ever beautiful oh Mama More of your beauty is reveal daily More of your treasures you reveal daily to your children Your wisdom is yet to be learnt and thought to your children |