Title: Diagnosis... Post by: melaninmagic on December 11, 2005, 05:04:41 AM SPIRITUAL CALCIFICATION associated with chronic melanin deficiency. This diagnosis is the explanation for the misery and strife that all the earths' children have been subjected to by the non-melanated for centuries. That these folk still haven't gotten their act together for so long is not because they don't want to, but simply because they don't know how; Divine Guidance to this end is severely lacking. How can an individual alter his/her ways if deeply rooted in their sub-conscious there exists a spiritual void that makes them oblivious to the TRUE suffering they cause (i.e. lack of empathy to the hueman condition)? Ofcourse, this is not to say that all euro-decendents suffer from this disease or that there is no cure for this physio-spiritual ailment. Albeit a slow process, erradication of this disease has only been sucessfully achieved through 'mixing' whether this be on a social or genetic level. Something to think about...
MelaninMagic Title: Re: Diagnosis... Post by: ooggooles on July 17, 2006, 06:35:37 PM I understand the point you are trying to make. But couldn't it be said that genetic and social mixing has already occured even as far back as in the time of the Egyptians, and in Nubia. And based on history and on modern times couldn't it be said that it did not work? Couldn't it be said that it was disasterous?
Title: Re: Diagnosis... Post by: melaninmagic on July 17, 2006, 08:59:33 PM Yes. I agree with you there, which is why much later on I modified my approach to the subject, cause really this mixing 'ting just ain't working no more.
Read: Sex under the system of Racism/White Supremacy http://www.africaspeaks.com/reasoning/index.php?topic=3633.0 My current stance is as you can tell, a little more drastic now :) |