Title: Evolution Post by: helena on December 11, 2005, 08:57:31 PM Evolution What was once a source of pride, has now become a curse. For where evolution became intelligence misused, our crimes progressed from bad to worse. It seems that many of us never did awake, and passed a secret war onto the child at birth. With so many scarred from fear, they knew not God's Law was there to teach them, in a world where human-kind-ness forgot its worth. We live in a time where nightmares have become Hell, simply because we forgot to love God and none other. We were too busy looking for the pearl in the oysters shell, and for imagined riches we killed our sister and brother. Throughout the ages of our recorded story, we have risen and then fallen; the price of sin. Are we truly going to keep on turning from God's glory, when we can chooose to free the love of Heaven within? Give thanx..... Title: Re: Evolution Post by: Spaghelli on December 26, 2005, 09:17:48 PM Helena! Your poetry is wonderful! See you on shift....