Title: White Man In Haiti Post by: Yesayah on January 31, 2006, 12:23:42 PM White Man in Haiti (5.23.03)
Last night I dreamt another dream And I was the female protagonist Walking in a middle class-town in Petion-Ville Where I met a white man-perhaps an outcast. And he confidently approached me And with a friendly smile, He echoed something to me In a language that was very familiar: Excuse me miss...can you help me! And so, I remained standing―dumbfounded. I stood uncomfortably before him Like a well positioned light accusing night And with uncertainty, I waited to see What the white man needed from me Besides, what is a real white man Doing outside on the streets of Haiti after midnight? Was he a member of our secret society? Oh! I waited suspiciously. Then suddenly, I saw the white man beginning to change before my eyes He transformed. He shifted from being a person To being a dog ― a frog ― A young girl in a wedding robe He became a boat―next to a rolling barrel But by then, I became empty Empty like the dark space behind me I ran until the night ends |