Title: Cry Beloved Africa Post by: siger on May 11, 2006, 12:31:16 PM Can a nation dream of things that never were,
Or see visions and shadows that never passed, Can peoples sing the songs of heroes gone, and walk with pride while bound to stone, why does the african cry and wail, when fate has him writ as 'born to fail.' is Egypt a myth; and Lybia too, and Sheba; and nubia; timbuktu, Can the sons of pharoahs and seed of kings, be fated for darkness, to fly without wings, Yet heroes were born, valiant and strong, To break the chains of slavery, to shatter the stone. Foundations shook, and the winds were tamed, As the african stood and made his claim, 'Independence!' he cried, 'Freedom and Equality,' 'From this blessed day, until the end of eternity!' There, the sun bowed; and the silent waters thought; That the son of Africa was akin to the gods. 'So; why cry beloved Africa? Has myth not been proved legend?' 'Does the world not know the paths that were taken,' Tis true that the victor sang when victory he held, But it is long since laughter has turned to wails, For the sons of heros are not but merchants of slaves, For they had sold the soul of Africa, 'ere their father's were dead. Let me cry, beloved Africa. Title: Re: Cry Beloved Africa Post by: afrikanrebel06 on May 17, 2006, 03:13:54 PM [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] ohhh i cry with you too,sniff sniff,beautiful i cry for anhkeburan as well,siger,because of islam and christianity and coz rastafarism is deeply rooted as well in christ insanity,
as nobody talks about pre islamic afrika and pre christian afrika,i cry because rastafarism be spouting christianity as well but nobdy talks about pre christian and pre islamic afrika,dating back to 90 000 years B.C.E beautiful poem,the lions of afrika are weeping with you and me [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] Title: Re: Cry Beloved Africa continued Post by: afrikanrebel06 on May 25, 2006, 12:07:59 PM cry freedom
because blood washed the land, the earth will tumble with the bones of our ancestors, the earth will shake and rattle, cry beloved africa, because the sons and daughters of ankheburan want to go home now [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] Title: Re: Cry Beloved Africa Post by: siger on May 26, 2006, 05:05:13 AM Seasons have passed since warriors walked these lands,
Gone are the days of glory and honor that lasts, THe spear lays broken, bows sit in the dust, And the son of the warrior dines with silent lust. She coos and purrs, and heightens his desire, she nestles her head on his aching pyre, With a touch and a hiss, she rakes his fire, Till there's nothing he wants more than her body entire. "You hearken to take want hasn't been given, you seek to own what hasn't been won, For this body, i'll trade the heart of a lion, The deeds of the father do not speak for the son. As she leaves the young lad, in his choking frenzy, he curses his his father and all his valour, "tis a god's curse that i was born to a warrior, to live the rest of my days filled with envy. But he fails to see what his father's saw, the enemy upon which they waged their war, The colonialist was white in the days of old, But his son now reigns, balck as coal. <Will we fight to put the devil on the cross?> Title: Re: Cry Beloved Africa Post by: afrikanrebel06 on May 26, 2006, 03:14:18 PM from the carolina sea islands
to the belt of mississipi to the slaves revolt in bahia sao salvador, afrikan blood has washed the land, with the gold rush, diamonds from botswana and zimbabwe, we will march at ur doors like elephants, we are the rock and the rock will smash the egg, you came and left, and thought we would ignore, africas wound is one big open sore. this is the core of fire, because the earth trembles with the bones of our ancestors and fire will consume every inch of your skin and bone, all the wealth that the vatican built wont help dem, because they know,their time will come and they will die when thunder and fire will be coming from the skies. because all those years they have falsified history anbd spoon fed peoples lies lies lies. Title: Re: Cry Beloved Africa Post by: siger on June 06, 2006, 03:34:35 AM Anon,
For i have planted a thought, And cropped a mood. -Siger |