Title: its not about black white it about jah god Post by: derek_m_06 on June 08, 2006, 04:40:38 AM ok i donty get a lot of peps on here talking about rasta is race is ja black whit red green you have no clue what you are about and that wat rasta is about find your self and peach with one onther with jah i know it not right for me to say this because it make me like the green thum in the buch but i dont get it know morte the whit are yelling its the black man why the blacks are yelling it the white man i think some of you need to smoke some lambs breed and meatet on what we are really here for im sorry to be this way but i dont get it do eny of you know ja at all well thats all i have to so and one other thing to get you to metate on is what race am i but ill tell you all it dosnt mater right if we dont find ja then what are we doing here it not about are race it about peac love careing and shereing and ex see what i mean you all got me in this now and what i want is peac the zion well im going to co to bed and try to understand ever one well never mind im am being no beater then the ones that are ocuseing but my voic well be hured not my race coloer or what ever it is wer all know were rasta came from but dou you all know who the lord is