Title: Weather: Friend or Foe? Post by: siger on June 23, 2006, 11:08:33 AM The State of North Korea refutes international concerns and goes ahead to pirsue nuclear capability.
This draws on a war of words and heightens fragile relations. North Korea remains stubborn. It fuels a few test ballistic-missiles in the north-east region, with the ability to reach Alaska. Tensions strain incredibly, though the media remains focused on the less pressing issue of Iran. (One wonders why, by the way!) Suddenly, the Test is put off. An unprecedented storm rages in the region, and broadcasts show it will prevail for a few days. North Korea has lost its element of surprise, and the staus-quo is held. A Lay-man's guess. The victor of the day, the weather. And yet one wonders, could he not have played to the tunes of another architect. It is not common knowledge that U.S and Russia possess Tesla technology, which gives them the ability to manipulate the weather. Granted, there's a treaty somewhere on the U.N shelves, about what they can or cannot do with it. But we all know technological advantages of this sort have a knack of being options in such situations. Let's call it intuition, or an itch to show off my hot girl! Both countries, i believe, would have reason to unknowingly throw the switch. Security concerns today might provide some weight. But what happens tomorrow, when imperialistic concerns outweigh more mundane issues. Shall we not have fed the devil our hands? Is it wise to play with these things? Or i'm I seeing smoke where there's no fire? |