Title: BRIDGING THE GREAT DIVIDE Post by: Head_Fiyah on July 26, 2006, 10:36:05 PM Yanting through mazes
Of babylon’s lies Yanting an ancient cry For equal rights and justice Administered in practice And not just in rhetoric Yanting through mazes Of Babylon’s tricks Stolen legacies of Age old conscripts Written in Heiroglyphics Devoid of semantics Etymology has led us here Botanical strains of Afrikan Plants have led us here To the truth That has been so damaging To their scholastic institutes Of “higher learning” Bent on covering up Alkebulun’s presence Old and new, we know the truth Yanting through their maze Of lies and tricks We found out we came From greatness We used our Icall And diminished The ignorant response Knee jerk reaction To his-story’s falsehood We began to overstand That the cover-up Was capitalism exposed To the fact that A-Robbers were there Helping to bring us here Against our will We know the truth That has been so damaging To the establishment Of racism We know the truth On the question of reparations Disclaimers are used Questions are asked That are obviously unanswerable The idea is for them to be dishonourable To pass blame unto the Undeserving, we know the Truth that has been so damaging And as I yant through mazes Of babylon’s lies and tricks I realized Great care was taken To keep our minds clouded To keep us wandering In the valley of The shadow of death, To keep us In the valley of dry bones, But we know the truth That has been so damaging That has turned Their racial upside downside Inside out or outside in We don't care Just as long as We know the truth That has been so damaging. Ashanti Tafari Coprighted 2006 |