Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: Head_Fiyah on August 02, 2006, 10:24:15 AM

Title: The Lie In BeLIEf
Post by: Head_Fiyah on August 02, 2006, 10:24:15 AM
Must I remind
You of your image
God in Man
Man in his likeness
Same goes for woman
She is the earth
In all her kindness
In all her splendour
She has given birth
To my childhood dreams
Where involuntary ideas
Leads me to the unconscious
Mechanism directly
Related to my higher consciousness

Where God did not make us
In our image
Instead we made God
In our own image
Can my feelings of
Such reflect the truth
That beLIEf in God
Is just a tempting illusion?
Why should creation
Have the need for existence
Forced on them
When imagination plays
A great part in
How we know?

Colours full of imagine
Are important for human beings
So to be the rain
Of the earth is
A magnificent waterfall
And religion can't begin
To explain the complexity
Of human spirituality
And intellectual speculation
So beLIEfs become a projection
Of our childhood fears
And the Heavenly Father
And Divine Mother
Becomes a fairy tale
With no empirical data
To support one's beLIEf
In God

This results in an
Oedipus complex
Reversed, perversed
We killed our Mother
We spooked her out
Of existence
We booed her into Holy Ghost
Now there is only
Father and son
No Moon to compliment Aton
No knowledge of truth
Just faith in force
No empirical data
To support the idea
That we are One
With God in Man, in Woman???

Ashanti Tafari
Copyrighted July 19th, 2006
Linville, NC