Title: Part of the Maat Series by Mama Khandi Post by: Tyehimba on August 10, 2003, 09:11:03 PM Subject: MAAT
Part of the Maat Series by Mama Khandi Where do i begin? There is a traffic jam in my head, so many thoughts all trying to get out at the same time, a traffic jam in my heart, feelings all trying to reach the surface for palpation. Maat has struck a nerve in your philosophical and psychological foundations. Where do i begin? Do i define Maat? do i discuss the hemispheres of the brain? do i define religion and morality? do i discuss the Ancestors and their roll in our lives? do i discuss the incarnation objective? or the Cosmogony and cosmology? maybe the subjective/objective realms of reality? or creation, the duality principle of cosmogony, and the tree of life? hue-man evolution? the principles underlying the problems of overcoming? meditation and ritual? harmonics of the breath and the internalization of consciousness? Maat. Let's discuss how Maat came into being. You already know the christian version of Genesis. Let's discuss the Khemetian (ancient Egyptian) understanding of Genesis. Neter (the so-called god principle) projects the sound "Shri" into the Nada (the nothing/cosmos/existance) to give rise to the fouth manifestation (Maat). What this means is that Neter in the process of creation, spoke/projected/uttered energy/sound and this utterance brought forth the principle Maat (truth/balance/justice/the Law, Order, and Love which grants Oneness in our reality). Prior to the creation of this fourth manifestation (Maat), all attentions of Neter were focused on the first three manifestations of the tree of life: 1). creation of the consciousness/subjective realm that becomes aware of its origin and true essential qualities that are eternal and infinite, temporally and spacially UNLIMITED. The subjective being is the Omnipresence (the Oneness/One-being). The sound "Aung" was uttered to bring this first manifestation into existance. 2). This principle is uttered into existance by Neter w/the sound "Hu" and this aspect of self knowledge the Omniscience (the infinite knowledge). In this realm unconditioned and undifferentiated energy takes on a conceiveable form (an existance that can be comprehended by hue-mans). 3). Neter projects the sound "Kri" into the first and second pheres and brings forth the realization of theWill. The Will is the unlimited power of creativity; ie: Omnipotence. These first three spheres are the awareness of the true nature. The subjective being (Neter) reflects on the first three spheres to bring the fourth sphere of reality into existance (Maat). There are 10 spheres on the tree of life. i will not go into those now, for Maat is the focus of my conversation w/you now. My baby's name is Maati (he who speaks ONLY the truth/the word of Neter). Maat - Truth. Deep concept. Even deeper reality. Your "confession" really messed w/my head and my heart last night. i got NO sleep and less rest. There were this flood of emotions and thoughts, this enormous sense of loss, this abis, this hollowness, this........ Not yet, stay on the mental/spiritual plane; don't share the emotional yet, not yet. He needs the higher self realization of self before he can handle the emotional. The voice of the Ancestors continued. If you want this man, the man we have chosen for you and you for him, you must first give him the answers to the questions that he has NOT asked. You must reach into his soul and see and understand why we have chosen him for you and you for him. You must see and understand that he has a "western concept of family." He has a strong commitment to family but he defines that commitment in linear terms (eurocentric) and not wholistic (Afrikan-centered) terms. The Ancestors continued. Morality is key to him. But his definition is linear ("preconceived emotions of morality"). She is his "official/legal" wife in the european system. You are his wife in the Afrikan system. Maat is coming to claim its own. The truth faces him. You only ask for what is rightfully yours to SHARE, to consumate w/your mate. He denies you because he does not know MAAT. The Ancestors continued. Polygamy has its reasons for being in the numerical imbalance that exists between men and women. It is not only a system of marriage but also a solution/preventative measure against a system of social holocaust/Maafa. He thinks you are asking him to choose between you and she. Maat demands no such choice. Such a choice is not reality. It is a facade brought into existence by a system of linear existence. Polygamy is not a matter of personal or cultural choice. It grows out of a concern of the women who have husbands to care for other women in society who do not. It grows out of a concern for an Afrikan nation that has the capacity to respond to the needs of all of its constituents, and its own needs. It is a measure of preservation of Afrikan society and a protection of our MORAL and spiritual structure. The Ancestors kept me up all night last night trying to help me sort thru my feelings. And i .... not yet. Allow us to talk thru you. You may speak later. Patience, you may speak to him soon. The Ancestors continued. Viewed from the Afrikan perspective of the Self (the first sphere), which is the UNITY of all things, is to be realized on Earth in our everyday living experiences. i asked the Ancestors, "Can he truly proclaim his oneness w/another woman or anyone, if the persons involved are not willing to SHARE those things that can be shared?" The Ancestors continued. Neither he nor she (or anyone) can not TRULY (in the realms of Maat), proclaim to be spiritual or claim a sound moral base while simultaneously not giving a damn about sistas who, for causes beyond their control, must fail to fulfill and satisfy their basic human need for an ADULT FAMILY LIFE. i asked, "Then is he saying that i can not be a part of his family w/out him making a choice between me and his family?" The Ancestors continued. Yes, because his concept of family is linear. He does not define family in Afrikan terms which would include you. He does not understand that your cries for fulfillment of your needs are a cry for inclusion, not choice. The Ancestors continued. He can not proclaim to be moral or spiritual while accepting a competitive (she vs. me) situation in which many and ultimately ALL will lose. He can not continue to claim to be spiritual/moral while simultaneously ignoring the fact that there has been for thousands of years a solution to the numbers imbalance that is destroying the Afrikan community. i asked, "Has he acknowledged the problem?" The Ancestors continued. Not in Afrikan terms; but in eurocentric terms. Which is why he asks that you not request from him your right to ask from him, sensual/sexual comforts, the consumation of your marriage. The Ancestors were quiet. What i innerstand from the prayer (conversation w/my Ancestors) is that you have requested that i fend for myself, deal w/my needs in a way that doesn't include you or challenge your preconceptions. Kinda' like the solution that the Aztecs and the Greeks had for the imbalance of women to men, they throw the excess girl babies off of a cliff. Here, you ask me to not want to express the love that We have in the way that people who love each other express it. Why does she deserve you and i not? We are both Afrikan, We are both womb-men, We are both hue-man w/the same needs. Why? Why do i have no right to have my needs fulfilled in the same ways as she? The Family is the foundation of all societal understakings and institutions. If the Ancestors are saying that your concept of family is not Afrikan centered, (and they are), then that is why (as i see it) you feel that i am challenging and questioning your preconceived emotions, family and morality foundations. Linear concepts of family are a type of lie. Living these concepts for the number of years that you have has dug yourself into the most dangerous social quagmire. You and she (like many other couples) are not living the principles of Maat. You exist in a linear state. The state of denial. This state does not allow for inclusion. It shuts all others outside of its "family" structure while perpetuating the dialectical contradiction of calling itself a family. Family is inclusive. It does not feed the spiritual vampires that feed off of linear energy. "Rain does not fall on one roof alone." Afrikan proverb. Get my point? How did you think i would respond to your note? God! this is probably going to be the longest note in history and you will probably have to read it off line. You may even need to print it out in order to adequately respond to it w/out having to keep changing screens. Because i am clear that you have invoked within me a need to express beyond all limits. i gotta let it flow.... i gotta get it out.... i can't carry this around w/me. i got enough stuff inside of me that has no one to receive it. i don't need yet another thing to stay w/in me and fester into an ugly wound of scar tissue. We gonna work this out. Period. We are going to get to the core, the root, the bottom of what We are, who We are and why We are. You said that i "have fallen in love with [you]." You didn't say that We fell in love w/each other. You didn't say that you fell in love w/me. You said that i fell in love with you. So, DID I FALL IN LOVE ALONE!?????????? Is your admission of the fact that you also have fallen in love w/me, a violation of some tenant that you and she share? yet again another manifestation of the omission of Maat from yalls' relationship foundation. i am consuming you? Are the etherial waters rising from your ankles, knees, waist to your neck? Is that why you wish to slow down? Water reaches its own level, baby. Why must i stop being who i am? Why do you ask this of me? Why are you affraid of me? Am i not what you asked for? You know the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for, cause you might get it?" Well, am i the wish, the quiet prayer that you prayed at night where neither she nor anyone could hear you but the Ancestors? Did you think that because you did not utter words/you only prayed in your mind, that your prayer would not be heard? Did you think that? What were you thinking? Or did you think? You are in a selfish relationship. You prayed an unselfish prayer. What did you think would happen? Platonic. For how long? How long will i have to do w/out while she gets what she needs? How is that morally right? How is that spiritually right? How would my needs being fulfilled hurt her? What does my needs being fulfilled have to do w/her anyway? Nothing! She and i both have needs. i do not seek to deny her hers and i don't want for she or any sister to deny me mine. You said, in time it will change PERHAPS. Perhaps? You intend to perpetuate something other than Maat for some undetermined amount of time and you want me to be patient and wait while you do that? i don't think so. How can i do that to myself? There are some things that are unaceptable to me. Being w/out a man in the face of sisters who do not do without, is one of them. Its TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. Either We are all without, or We all have. That some have and some don't shit is bullshit. You said that you wanted to be free. Freedom is an act of self-determination. It is not something that either she, i nor anyone else gives you. You take it! It is your birthright. How can you be free to be you, if you are affraid to do what is necessary to attain that goal? Freedom to love is an infinite, devine inspiration. You have lived for years in an emotional, incarcerated prison. i want no parts of that. i want to be part of you, your family (the Afrikan definition), but not as you presently define it. You have lived with this definition so long that you request that i incarcerate my expression/our expression of our love. Don't restrict me. Don't restrict us. i have waited all my life for you. And now you wish to deny me! God! Whenever you have sent your spirit to be w/me at night We have NEVER been sexual. You've cuddled me, wrapped your warmth around me and i slept. i did not dream of sex. i dreampt of peace, contentment, fulfillment, inclusion. Mine is not a request for you to make a choice. Mine is a request for inclusion, expansion, growth, development, evolution, assension. You are more than capable of giving me those things. To give me those things, would mean that you would have to be free to redefine: family, analize preconceptions, and re-evaluate morality defined in linear terms. These are the foundations which strike at the heart of what you and she have built your relationship on. Quicksand my brother, quicksand. Afrikan consmogony is the only foundation strong enough to withstand all challenge. We (you, she, and i) need an affirmation of completeness. You are also confusing the consumption from me w/the devouring that she does. You do not comprehend sex as a jewel, as an energy to cultivate. If you did, you and she would've developed it in different terms that were not exclusive. You need time to fully prepare for me. i am a dynamic force in the universe. i know that. Even us dynamic forces need sanctuary and safe haven in the arms of the Afrikan man. Platonic. Redefined: you need from me a friend, time for transition, no expectations. Acceptable as long as you give me an update upon occasion on the growth that is taking place in the transition phase. There must be progress. Stagnation is unacceptable to me. i will not wait for a situation that does not grow and develop into its greatness. Do not shut me out. Do not shut out the voice of the Ancestors. Why do you submit to the spiritual vampires? Why does the warrior throw down his weapons and surrender so easily? i am not asking you to be my saviour. i am asking you to be a man; to be my man; to be the man that you were meant to be. i do not suffer from the savior crisis orientation. i do not believe in a savior Jesus, Moses, Muhummad or otherwise. i do believe in having a man, being a part of a family, and having mutually agreed upon needs fulfilled in a reciprical environment. You mentioned "consequences." How do you adequately interpret and adequately plan for survival and victory over these adverse consequences without the tools of skillful balance, intuition, inspiration, deductive reasoning and experimentation? You are commiting a spiritual, moral and emotional suicide by insisting on maintaining such narrow limits. i believe that you, she and Khandi must reach deep into our cosmic souls and reconnect with our original divine nature. (she also, if she is so inclined). What do you believe in? |