Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: natural blacks on September 13, 2006, 04:33:56 PM

Title: Terrorist Invasion
Post by: natural blacks on September 13, 2006, 04:33:56 PM
secret oppressive systems & economic sanctions
state funded "human rights" organisations
imperial oppression diguised...
cuba, zimbabwe, iraq, north korea
"fight for democracy", government lies.
media corruption, war tactic propoganda
ghana, congo, dafur, uganda.
the masses confused and used
the old biblical conscience game,
the ultimatum... capitalist or slave...
or enemy! "u oppose? we bomb!"
i see arab agression,
my interest be to see, where it's from.
"who are the real terrorists?!!!"...
strangling foreign economies,
starving innocent children,
bible in hand, nukes on deck,
lost lives in 9/11?
i say, cause and effect!
who or what's to blame?
national conflicts, "holy wars" & racial hate,
"middle-class" christians unable to relate.
"islam extremists!" ...
to me, the Inquisition reversed...
why all the panic? "revelations" promised a curse :)

... who are the real terrorists?