Title: Mini-Me? Post by: natural blacks on September 20, 2006, 02:35:38 PM delusions, illusions
mass confusion, masses fighting for inclusion a place in the "elite communal" ... "no remorse, the limit is the sky!" no regard for those unable to "fly" uneven resources, distribution unaffected by the sources in a world where 'might is right' twin tower bombings might just be right... if you can sell guns on the black market, wash illegal funds on the stock market attack those who are "non-democratic" then iranian nuke programmes should be automatic energy? weapons? "yeah, yeah, i do what u do, i'm aiming for the sky, u don't like? well "boooo-hoooo"" sekou.tafari mini me? 20/09/06 Yanks & Ises. Love & Joy. Rasta Live. |