Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

SCIENCE, SOCIOLOGY, RELIGION => Spirituality => Topic started by: Lilbit on October 24, 2006, 05:32:38 PM

Title: Am I sinning?
Post by: Lilbit on October 24, 2006, 05:32:38 PM
 l love to listen to hiphop and r&b. People say that is not god-like because of the langauge that's in it. I love to watch movies people say its alot of bad things in the movies this weekend I'm going to see Saw 3. People act like its such a bad thing.

Title: Re: Am I sinning?
Post by: ehotep on October 25, 2006, 12:12:56 PM
I don't think you plan on reinacting any of what you see in Saw3 or hear in hip hop music, so go enjoy yourself. 

Title: Re: Am I sinning?
Post by: chiefblackbear on January 15, 2007, 09:54:24 AM
Music is good reggae hip hop RNB etc. But when you add lyrics to the music its no longer just instrumentals it becomes a song or a message. Hip Hop came out with a positive  message a voice for the revolutionary minded young black solders now its just good songs for strippers to dance to and for weed smoking hustlers to convince themselves that their gangsters after that paper. You aint sinning your just a target you don’t choose what marketing adverts display on their web site there are big company’s who do that. our generation (black people) suppose to be the one thats gona bring to them, so they had to find ways to distract us and turn our minds into TV boxes MTV or empty TV.

Title: Re: Am I sinning?
Post by: wezekana on November 16, 2007, 09:13:17 PM
You come across as if you like watching these films strictly because of the "bad things" and the "language" in them. I don't know anything about sin, but that in itself could be a problem.

Title: Re: Am I sinning?
Post by: jdfellow on December 20, 2007, 03:27:34 PM
Sin in my overstanding, is going against the Heart.
When you know something is not for the greatest good
and ignore this and do it anyway, then the price we pay is the consequences of our own ignore-ance.  [smiley=wall.gif] This is essentially what is meant by Karma. So, is what InI doing, serving the highest Joy and greatest Good? Learning how to listen and respect this "voice" is key. ;)

Title: Re: Am I sinning?
Post by: jdfellow on December 20, 2007, 03:49:27 PM
p.s. If one chooses to view life as a spiritual journey, then what we give time and energy to, could feed us like soul-food for the journey, or not.