Title: amerikkkan blacks Post by: afrikanrebel06 on November 21, 2006, 01:01:51 AM brothers anbd sisters
we are facing difficult times in this time of return, as chuck d from public enemy number says on his muskik " every briotha aiinta briotha because the color might be under cova" so follow my train of thgought in this poem [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] who are the amerikkkan blacks they are the ones who guards the plantation, amerikkkan blacks are the ones who celebrate european holidays, and thanks giving. but they dont know what they are thanking for, amerikkkan blacks works for amerikan korporations, amerikkkan blacks, drive big fancy cars, amerikkkan blacks mixes with the population, they have positions in high places, they are master of dusiguises, they are in the military, navy air forces, ciia, fbi, nas, dea, atf, amerikkkan black were the ones who helped to oust ariside in haiti amerikkan blacks, will wear dashikis tunics, the whole nine yards, they will read the same material as ypu and me, they are inforcers of the nbew world order, because they work for amerikkka they are just as bad as the afrikkkan blacks who worls for the afrikkkan union, because it is the union of afrikkka they wiill set the stage for your assassination, they will derail the investigation, afte they put you in total islotation, bevcause amerikkka and afrikkka is writting their checks, they will work for mullti national korporations, they will set the stage for your incarceration, it wa an amerikkkan black who gave chicago police the lay out of the apartment of fredf hampton senior it was an amerikkkan black who was finishinga degree in psychology who gave crucial information about the black pantherrs ( just read we wanb freedom by mumia abul jamal) amerikkkan blacks are like malign cancer, like a tumour,even if we put the person on chemo therapy the cancer will not recede, the only way is to put the person out of commission. |