Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: afrikanrebel06 on December 08, 2006, 11:19:43 PM

Title: natural order
Post by: afrikanrebel06 on December 08, 2006, 11:19:43 PM
 follow the natural order
the way our ancestors
drew the blue print,
because the inprint
is in our dna,
from odlvai gorge to
ther petroglyphs in south africa
the hieroglyphs in ancient egypt
to the shrines and temples
we have folloed the natural orders for millions and millions of years,
we have to go back to the ancient ways,
the way of the olds of the olds,
way before the dawn of christianity
way before the dwan of islam,
way before the dwan of rastafarism,
way before the dawn of budhism
or way before of any synchretism.

we have to follow the path,
that  our ancestors did
long time ago,

when we were doing mantras inm ancient swahili
and yoruba,

follow the natural order of the universe
and the gift that was bestowed uo on us,
the ways of the anciients,sages,elders wise guides
who gave us guidance and overstanding
of the natural phenomenum
and the events around us,
just by following the natural squences of the events.