Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

ENTERTAINMENT/ ARTS/ LITERATURE => Poetry => Topic started by: afrikanrebel06 on January 16, 2007, 04:19:22 PM

Title: thieves know thyself
Post by: afrikanrebel06 on January 16, 2007, 04:19:22 PM
thieves know thyself!

Do you know that afrika
means monkey land
and the origin of the name of afrika
comes from aqf from being the orginal
kafritae,being type ofa monkey,

when we came before columbus
when the word chemistry
comes from kham
or khamit
being ancient egypt

and alchemistry means magik of the black land

yes! you,thieves and robbers
of our ancient traditions
who incorporated into your free mansory and illuminati
schools,temples and synagogues, into your luciferian traditions,

you think,we are all fools
when judaism is not race,buta religion
thaT people in eastern europe adopted

when the original jews come from ethiopia
and ancient egypt
when the royal geographic society
led by david livingstone
stole the elber papyrus
and all the ancient manuscripts

when IMHOTEP is the father of your modern
when the whole middle east and ANATOLIA
has always been part of ANKHEBURAN,
Because the map of the world,
before 1570 tells me so

my people are the fathers of your modern
we were builders of pyramids
from the nile valley to the mohenjo ndaro
designers of elaborate bath houses
did you know that dark ages meant
when your ancestors came out of the caves during
the 1200 and 1300s

the pyramid of giza
and the monuments in thebes
from tutankhamun
to akhenatum
to ramses
and ankhufu
dead sea scrolls
to the raids of the tombs
of king solomon

we know who the REAL thieves are!
my people die in the diamond mines of lesotho
we know,you sponsored the genocide in Rwanda,
dicatorship in kongo and uganda,

so kanada,amerikkka,israel and france.belgium
and britain
can benefit from our suffering and pain
when maccain ,Dole
are part of the UNITED FRUIT COMPANY

and jews deny their role in the slave trade
the merchants of death
in the carribean,south amerika
and afrika

who worked with the CIA,
and british intelligency services
who employed the terrorists
to blow the london subways,
so an innocent afrikan man
could be the fall guy,
hmmm. i wonder why
so they could murder and assassinate innocent people

in the times of the great pharaos and the pyarmid
of giza
there were no islam no christianity
the knowledge of the dogons
goes back to khamit
who aligned the pyramids according to the cosmos

tell me!
how many of my people have died during the rubbertrade
industry in kongo
duirng the reign of terror of king leopold.
when all those kings and queens
belonged to a secret society of murders
and criminals

how many of my people die each and every day
so you can have food in your table
how many of our woman,were maids
nannies and house sitters
and took care of your dysfunctional children!?

so Bush,Putin,and all those politicians can have sex
with little boys and little girls in bohemian clubs
so the pedophiles in the vatican,can rape boys and girls
and turn dem in to the mafia

when condoleeza rice can enjoy her orgies in the
white house/crack house!

when the cia sponsored the drug pipe line
from afghanistan
to fund islamic extremists in pakistan,

i am the truthseeker
the heat seeker,
whose barometer reach 110 fareinheit
thru melamin energy
i communicate with my ancestors

when the basis of the new age and the hippie
movement is free sex and free love
fertile grounds for incest

when belgium,france,britain,amerikkka
co conspired to kill general nicolas o olenga
and Patrice lumumba
so they could commit forgery
so they could loot the treasures
of the continent
when it was afrika who built the industrial revolution
who raided the libraries of alexandria
and hagar de sofia,
when all those greeks
went to study in our osiric schools and temples!
persians,arabs and europeans are grave robbers

it is track record of stolen legacy,
from queen elizabitch
to the queen of spain
to the queen and king of portugal
to amerikkka,israel,kanada,blegium,britain,
i only have one thing,and one thing only to say

because i am louder thana bomb.

(C) 2007

' a man without knowledge of his past is like a
tree without roots" marcus garvey