Title: The North American Union (New World Order In Progress) Post by: Ras_Nevoe on February 10, 2007, 08:13:53 PM By now most of us should know that "New World Order" is not a conspiracy "theory" anymore, but a cospiracy FACT. In the videos below you are going see information on the North American Union which is a Union between U.S.A., Canada and Mexico. This Union will dominate North, Central and South America (includin the carribean islands).I'm sure we all know about the European Union which dominates the european member countries. The next stop from the looks of it is Afrika or Asia.
As you watch the videos please think critically, because when the goverment allows the truth to be told on national television it starts to smell like PESCADO(fish) if you know what I mean. If anyone has information on this topic, don't keep it to urself. The people deserve to know the truth. VIDEOS North American Union: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41GWDH-XMFU&mode=related&search= (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41GWDH-XMFU&mode=related&search=) CNN/DOBBS: W FULFILLS HIS DAD'S DREAM OF A NEW WORLD ORDER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdxI0zClV_Y (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdxI0zClV_Y) Canadian "Liberals" Selling Out The Government: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYlkABx49zA&mode=related&search= (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYlkABx49zA&mode=related&search=) Peace! Ras Nevoe Da Prophet Title: Re: The North American Union (New World Order In Progress) Post by: seshatasefekht7 on February 10, 2007, 10:18:54 PM peace and hotep,
Ras_Nevoe. (http://www.newspeakdictionary.com/1984-movie-book_1.jpg) newspeak (http://www.newspeakdictionary.com/go-goldstein.html) freedomisahapisalve Title: Re: The North American Union (New World Order In Progress) Post by: African_Disciple on February 20, 2007, 12:51:11 PM Greetings. I watched the three videos, I don't know what I should say, but it sounds like true. The man in the first video seems sincerely excited and although one woman in the audience laughs at him, I think his speech deserves attention... There are a lot of comments on YouTube, some say "props to dobbs", one man said that government wants people to get accustomed to idea and then accept it, but there are mostly negative comments on the third video (at least on the first page) and I didn't understand it too, may be because I don't know canadian politicians.
Here is the link with more videos and some articles, I didn't watch them yet, but Lou Dobbs is there too. http://www.retakingamerica.com/indepth_news/news_video_pages/north_american_union.html People say, there is no smoke without fire... Title: Re: The North American Union (New World Order In Progress) Post by: Ras_Nevoe on February 20, 2007, 12:56:51 PM one man said that government wants people to get accustomed to idea and then accept it, yeah, I believe this is true. Now i'm undecided on whether I should inform people about New World Order because it's possible that i'm helping it instead of hurting it. Too much politricks, Ras. Title: Re: The North American Union (New World Order In Progress) Post by: wezekana on March 14, 2008, 03:19:54 AM What did you decide?