Title: What they knew and what we know Post by: Eja on February 15, 2007, 10:29:08 AM The great Queen Nzinga
did not know of leopold the vampire She did not know of the hunger that would find a vehicle in leopold the belgian In the days of the great Queen leopold was an invisible entity a demon whose breathe had filled the sails of portuguese men of war she knew nothing of its hunger for African limbs as she gazed upon the other vainglorious caucasian the first vehicle She knew nothing specific about what was to come But she knew enough to know she had to fight Maharere knew nothing of concentration camps of manufactured diseases sprayed onto cattle herds Poisons buried in water sources But like the unknown thousands who agreed with him when he said "Better we die fighting.." The great Maharere knew enough to know he had to fight Marcus Garvey knew about the captivity the millions torn from thier roots, the millions transplanted onto hostile soils and the tens of millions cut to pieces, starved, drowned whipped to death crucified by christians Marcus Garvey knew all these but he did not know knew nothing of AIDS of leukemia and the other weapon named after the land Africans call Ebola But he knew enough to know he had to fight Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah Amilcar Cabral Funmilayo Ransome Kuti Like Toussaint and the great souls of Haiti before them did not know of the paris club the london club the new world ordered by the new globalisation They knew nothing about the WTO They did not know that generations after them would still be in debt to the parasites they fought against They fought only for freedom they did not ask for reparations they did not ask those who had built 'civilization' from the bones of African ancestors to acknowledge that truth speak gratitude show shame, no. All they fought for was for room to breathe airs untainted by the foul breath of blood-gargling demons But Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah warned us to guard against neo-colonialism A warning whose time has come A prophecy about manipulations whose purposes are now clear as we now approach colonialism itself once again So I ask if these with the little that they knew could have fought as hard as they had Why it is that we who know not only what they knew why we who also know of sharpshooters in Sharpeville of the concentration camps in Kenya Of the massacres in Grenada In Mogadishu and Cite Soliel We who know that the joy with which an African was dragged to death in jasper, texas was no anomaly but a common feature of the ones we still find so hard to leave behind We who know and yet deny the true origin of AIDS and other such weapons of a genocide already at the stage of implementation We who have seen the fear born from hatred the hatred born from fear even of a five year old African girl who needed to be 'subdued' by five grown 'men' A girl put in chains by a posse of demons Where is our memory? And when we see an African child being sold to a 'white' where is our memory? We ask of the past "How could those Africans stand by while thier own was being enslaved?" Well now for an answer all we need do is look in a mirror and ask the shifty faced hypocrite the multi-lingual multi-cultured self-eraser ask how he or she re-acted when 'madonna' bought the baby John Ask the self-deciever if he or she bought the justification that baby John is better off in the waste Then look again into the past and tell the African being saved from 'heathenism' and 'cannibalism' that in the long run he will be better off Tell that African that though the soul pain is great he or she will get used to it He or she will create a great art form from this agony (And all the world will dance to it) Tell that African that he or she will not be the last tell him to get used to it Tell her to learn to love it Because six hundred years from when it started it will start again And rejoice who knows what great art will be grown in these new plantations When we look into the past and ask how African Kings and Queens allowed thier own people to be sold away Let us ask the present Let us look to the 'president' of Malawi who said "we have many more.." (for sale) for an answer Let us look to trojan horse oprah who allowed madonna room in which to air her 'rationalisations' for an answer When we measure our selves as men or women Let us look at African liberators from the past Let us compare what they knew then to what we know now and let us compare what they did then to what we are are doing now. Title: Re: What they knew and what we know Post by: afrikanrebel06 on February 17, 2007, 10:52:28 PM two thumbs up! [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=2thumbsup.gif] [smiley=beam.gif] i like dat u speak truth to power!
Title: Re: What they knew and what we know Post by: Eja on February 20, 2007, 12:15:21 PM Thanks brother. I have also been enjoying your works