Title: Holey water Post by: Eja on April 16, 2007, 06:09:16 AM Is that yow
Lord God knocking I hear tapping but there is nobody there when I open the daw Is that you? I hear nacking (mmmmm) Have you returned Lord God, I've waited Can you be found? I looked all over for yow my saviour I looked in Oyingbo lagos, I looked in waco texas, Lord I looked in jerusalem and rome, I looked in hope arkansas, I looku I saw nothing, but I looked kept watching, kept preying And I stoned blasphemers aborisha and krishnas when they crossed my path I kept the faith of he who raped my ancestors It was a heavy load but I bore it lord Even as the heathen mocked pointing at your picture the highest of all on my wall, pointing asking me "who is the gay guy?" Lord I await the day the good blood-drenched day called judgemant when those who have mocked shall themselves be mocked as they sizzle and bubble in your hell-fire and your hell oils Sing with me children sing!! (damn you..) Holee water ho la ho liiii wahata ho leee Again children ho lay wahuta ho leee who liii water hole e |