Title: rhyme and reason Post by: afrikanrebel06 on May 04, 2007, 08:13:09 PM to this day,
i celebrate my history, our story, told and repeated thru out the west islands of afrika thru out the stoven and kitchens of brazil, from mothers to daughters, it is our ancient wisdom, eventhough,the mother in afrika neva met the mother in brazil, neva met the mother in amerikkka but their stories are the same victims of this white patriarchal world that devalues and debases our afrikan humanity our way of life, from Anastacia to nanny to BENEDITA DA SILVA their stories neva been heard who cooked and cleaned for rich white folks who babysat for their sick and dysfunctional children i speak for my great grandmother,whose story was neva told, who was raped by portuguese man and abandoned to her own destinity, who raiseda girl on her own during the 1900s in brazil, white patriarchy created centuries of dysfunctional children who the father hated it,because the child was victim of rape and he saw the oppressor in this child, not by choice,but by birth, or by default, christianity and rape went hand in hand, how many priests didnt rape african girls and afrikan boys in their coventry and churchs, either believe in the cross or die by the sword that was the jesuits anthem this is rhyme and reason, as i try to heal oppressors wound and chase the ghosts that haunts me when i heal ancetral wounds, i know,i will be ultimately free, how many women gave birth on those ships how many women didnt die on those ships how many people were thrown to the sharks if they didnt want to do forced labour, how many child was born with deffect in those ships and thrown into the ocean floor how many women were raped by their white masters and out of love for that unborn child, kept the child,eventhough she saw the man who raped her in them, my poetry has no rhyme,but i try to reason, my reason doesnt make rhymes, but it carries a message, i love my people and i love afrika, yes,our beloved continent has some issues and some of us,have issues and weho doesnt! :) eye overstand,that we all are victims of this white paternalistic and patriarchal society, thats why some of us act the way we act my love for my people is eternal and my love transcends time and space my ancestors soeak to me, i know the journey of returning home wont be easy, but the struggle makes the man. |