Africa Speaks Reasoning Forum

GENERAL => GENERAL FORUM => Topic started by: lado on May 25, 2007, 04:21:35 AM

Post by: lado on May 25, 2007, 04:21:35 AM

Daily relevant talks of todays Politician like leaders of Africa for the Organisations like the AU ( African Union ) hardly and never talk to mention at all of Independence or Sovereignty, but only talk about Social rights, Human rights, Women's rights, Civil society and NGOs and these types of "soft values" as opposed to the OAU, which in its charter sought to defend the Political Independence of African Nations / States .


There are also a lot of rubbish  talks about International Peace Keeping, and how the International Community should go and enforce order upon the Africans which simply means in the end sounds like " Let ' s go and civilise the savages again because the last time we went down there they didn ' t get it ". The theory of the Recolonization of Africa is still valid , inother words when you are hearing from the mouths of these present African leaders . Recolonisation is being freely allowed by them through like a UN Mandate System, or through Big Business being allowed to go in and do it on a private basis.It seems many African leaders therefore do not what they are saying .

Accordingly , to me , there are two big issues for the African people to see : firstly, is the Organisational situation; secondly, there is the AU and what it entails . Meanwhile the European Mentor Colonialists are quite aware , but there are the Africans of two Categories: One being category of the so called Africans who are and referred to as educated, who are supposedly to have learned to speak English, French, Spanish, Portugeese; who are sometimes called middle class ( known best Black Europeans ) .

These ( The Black Europeans ) are different in thinking with the Africans, those who have no access to foreign European languages or to other modes ;  such things of European way of doing and in behaviour  but only have their own mother tongue language and therefore regarded as Primitive . Really between these two categories there is a conflict. A big conflict.

The question is , are the Africans as a whole going to return to Primitivity ? Actually this is what the Black Europeans say, and they say it is best that, now, we go foreword and abandon Primitivity. You know what this means ? It only means behind the philosophy is that , the Black man and the Black African must be civilized based on European Civilisation which must continue in the modes of Recolonisation and there is no question of being ashamed of that. What European say and in their daily talk is that : of Recolonisation of Africa which is not about it , should happen . The truth is that it is already happening. The best example of this is the AU. They even said it with their own mouths: AU was founded based on European Union model. This is the plain fact . It is a return to Colonization , except this time, the African leaders willingly ; are willingly taking it in a Golden Plate and give it to the Europeans. Simple and clean.

Therefore, the idea of civil society, that of human rights are just play games being played and this time the situation is even worse than that of the 1840`s...

Africans cannot blame their Forefathers for selling themselves as slaves. Back then ( in the 1840`s and onwards ) the Europeans had to kill in order to get the Land . It was a war on Africans . There did not exist such things like taking Prisoners of War . In war all those captured either were killed or taken as slaves . Naturally , there were also some treacherous African Chiefs who benefited out of their collaborations with the foreign forces to sell their fellow Africans for whatever rewards they received  . War is War where anyting can happen .   


But today with a glass of wine to the President of an African country, you get the whole Land. So they can save the bullets and loot Africa at will as they ( the Europeans and others ) want. This is the worrying situation for Africa in days to come now .

The other Issue is Peace Keeping. which is just a Game. In a way this is trying to transform, to change, to rule the present African Countries, who would like to revolt and seek for Freedom and Independence therefore, you must hit them hard, so that they obey those Black Africans who are their Leaders, chosen by their European Masters.

In short , Peace Keeping is being used as an Instrument in the same way as Colonial Armies were brought to control the African chiefs and the ordinary African population. It means the same thing. Colonial soldiers or Peace Keeping . There is no difference other than one starts with P ( Peace force ) and the other one starts with C ( Colonial force ) . This is the truth Reality.

I ought to have a thought about those Africans who are considered primitive - perhaps like Mugabe of Zimbabwe – He might be one of the most " primitive " ones, but He and others in Africa are still struggling for the Land against the mighty British. He will continue to fight and perhaps through him is to learn and thoroughly well whereby Africans can succeed to maintain their Land, defend their People and achieve Freedom and Liberty in the future, in the continent of Africa.

But the homework is to be done because in the Political Arena I have come across the concept that Africa should not be free and that it should be ruled from Europe as an appendage of Europe. It is a Real Issue. There is no question about it. There is no shame to admit that the Philosophy exists. ; does Africa accept to be Slaves of Europe ? Do we accept to be Appendages of Europe ? That is the question the Africans must answer . Period. !!

What is the difference between African Union and the OAU ?

I can say it as follows : AU, which means the African Union ( formed in Sirte in Libya; as Idea and foundation but the Constitutive Act was drawn up in Togo on 11th July 2000 and completed in Pretoria, South Africa ) while the OAU, Organisation of African Unity as Idea and foundation was created in 1947 on 25th May when the King of Lado ( John Anacleto Atobua Agami) talked to the African Chiefs, saying that Africans should have an organisation of their own to bring African Unity and OAU came into being on 25th May 1963, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ( on the Birthday of this King of Atobua of Lado ) as a commomeration to him .

This Idea of OAU came about because part of Africa was French speaking ( Francophonie ) and the other part of Africa was English speaking, with headquarters in London.The Francophone Headquarter was situated in Paris. There was the Arabic speaking in the North.Africa with Headquaters in Cairo, Egypt, who are Africans too. The fourth group was the Portuguese speaking Africans such as Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, and Cap Verde. Then there was the Spanish speaking Africans: Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara, though they ( Western Sahara )are not yet independent. This was termed as Lucophone Africa.

Africa was ( and still is ) divided into these four. Groups : Anglophone, that is all English speaking people under British Commonwealth now , Francophone, all French speaking people known as La Francophonie with headquarters in Paris under France, Lucophone all the Spanish and Portuguese speaking Africans with their headquarters in Lissabon and Madrid and the Arabic speaking with Headquaters in Cairo. Finally you have the last Ladophone, the Sudanic Speaking Africans in Ladoland, known as the State of lado with its headquarters in Arua - Aru .

It is important to note that some people think Arabic is an African Language. The answer is no, Arabic is an Asian language. It is a Foreign Language and a Religious Language like Latin, which is a Religious Language and European language. It cannot be called an African Language. The Arabic peoples conquered North Africa in the 7th century ( 640 AD – 740 AD ).

Today at UN, Africans are identified either as Arabic speaking, Francophone, Anglophone or Lucophone. Africa does not exist. That is why in Africa The State of Lado through its Provisional Government ( LPG ) decides that the people of Lado are called Ladophone. So the Lado People, are not any of the four. This is is the battle today, why we are told Lado should not be an Independent and Sovereign Nation State, because we will spoil Africans.

Now, what is the real difference between OAU and AU ?


OAU was the African Souls working to achieve Unity amongst themselves. Whereas AU means a Union with the Europeans. ( Read the OAU Charter of 1963 and the AU Constitutive act of 11th July 2000 ) .

Let me just repeat to clarify: Organisation of African Unity ( OAU ) means Unity among African People – that is Francophone, Anglophone, and Lucophone. No matter what differences are in Religion, be they Catholic, Protestant, Muslim etc, or Tribe, the idea is that African people must come together as a People of Africa; and as an Entity.

African Union ( AU ) means the whole Continent of Africa united with Europeans, ruled by Europe, so it means union with Europeans. The other one ( OAU  is the Unity amongst Africans by themselves, fighting for their Freedom and Liberty. This is the distinction between the two: African Unity and the African Union.

The Africans are not allowed to know that, the African Union means uniting with Europeans so another organ is created. called NEPAD which is referred now as the New Economic Partnership for African Development with Europe, which they say is based on the European Union model, that is the distinction between the two. Lado retains OAU Charter with Headquaters in Arua - Aru, in Lado. Lado shall not seek to be a full member of the AU. . AU is an outside matter in Africa .

The choice is: do you as African want to unite with Europe and be ruled from Europe, whether it is Paris, Brussels, or London or do you want the African Unity to be ruled from the African Continent by yourself ? That is in brief what it is. It is a Matter of Choice.

In conclusion OAU charter was concluded on 25th May 1963, in Addis Ababa, starting on 25th May, 1947 but picked up later by - because the leader John Anacleto Atobua Agami from Lado Kingdom was killed in 1948 on April . It was Francis Kwame Nkrumah later,  was the one who organised the African Independence Conference in Accra in 1958 as He was the Secretary to the King John Anacleta Atabua Agami  of the Pan Africanism . OAU took its roots from Pan Africanism .

In 1961, the OAU Charter was drawn up by three African blocs : one called the Casablanca Group, another called the Monrovia Group, and the third called the Brazzaville Group. So the three Groups formed the Organisation of African Unity. The only concerned Organisation in Africa yet ,  therefore still ,  till todate is OAU .


 ( LADO )

Post by: will on July 01, 2007, 10:37:43 PM

There is a lot of good information in your post...  And there are a lot of AFRICANS in the diaspora with quality education and expert know-how.. They have worked close with these Europeans &  Americans for many years...  They know all the ins & outs of good governance, but still they are reluctant to come back home and to take charge, and to lead their people out of this darkness..

Why is this??? How is it that no one see this but you??? i noticed that many people,  nearly a hundred has read this post, but no one bothered to even make a comment.....  Really, this should have started a 'GREAT DEBATE"...

Is there no one else out there that even cares????

Post by: lado on July 02, 2007, 08:03:14 AM

There is a lot of good information in your post...  And there are a lot of AFRICANS in the diaspora with quality education and expert know-how.. They have worked close with these Europeans &  Americans for many years...  They know all the ins & outs of good governance, but still they are reluctant to come back home and to take charge, and to lead their people out of this darkness..

Why is this??? How is it that no one see this but you??? i noticed that many people,  nearly a hundred has read this post, but no one bothered to even make a comment.....  Really, this should have started a 'GREAT DEBATE"...

Is there no one else out there that even cares????

Hello there ----------   

I am confident the  " GREAT DEBATE " as you say by Africans and blacks in all by themselves will open up . Thanks for your encouragment . In addition I can only say it is now the African Union  ( AU ) in collaboration with European Union ( EU ) opts for the total destruction of Pan Africanism . A very sad story for Africa still . May I give in my contribution in writing to all please :

To establish a good network of a true minded people and organizations, who above all  share a social consciousness and awareness of their ability as creative individuals and groups, and therefore to change a social, economic, political and spiritual status quo, as well as explore alternatives of how people could live and cooperate, can only think of getting  rid of the present evil that stalks our planet.

The current world structure is based on an exploitative capitalist system which is destroying indigenous cultures all over the world, as well as, perpetuating colonialism, impoverishing people and waging wars, i.e. Africa . In addition, most organized religions are blocking the individual's path to true spirituality and are merely methods of controlling the masses, serving political interests and gaining opulence. .

The majority of citizens of this planet are controlled and centered on a cycle of wage labour from which they never escape, but which allows the owners of capital to increase their wealth.

It must be noted that Africans to mention are not communists or anarchists. The individual members of the African people may have varying ideological views but the African People all in all are in agreement that the current capitalist fascism running the planet is the only ideology which today has become most intorable as it is a lethal disguise for the true sickness of current humanity fo the urge to dominate ones fellow human being.

In the history of Lado people as Africans on the African continent they have always stood and stand again  in solidarity with anyone on the planet who acts based on this principle on none disguise for the urge to dominate ones fellow human being .

They , like the rest of the human beings of this planet are political activists, artists and independently thinking individuals/groups who believe that through expression arts of music, writing and other forms of cultural expression and political action, they can inspire people to move towards an equitable, humane and spiritually sound way of living. in addition of having  an Africanist outlook because:

 Their roots are African and they do have access to information and first hand experience about the plight of their people as African . That is why the Lado people feel of being Pan-Africanists to a certain degree, as peace and prosperity for all Africans is something they advocate, regardless of where on the planet they may find themselves.

Really If you placed mankind on a hierarchical pyramid Africans are / will be at the bottom ( socially, economically, politically etc ), meaning more attention needs to be directed to Africa rather than the rest of the world.

 The Five Pillars for Africa :

Only through resurrecting the African personality, meaning restoring their cultural heritage, philosophy, science and spirituality and giving it its rightful place in the world of today, can break out the current colonial slave mentality as Africans have adopted, causing them to become faithful practitioners of the ideology of poverty.

This process can take place in the mind of the individual African, who has become aware of the inhuman activities being carried out against him / her and the self-serving policies being practiced by national and international oppressors. The process of resurrecting the African personality can only  be carried out through proper education which includes research, study, reflection and the practical application of African roots and culture. In order for the Africans to understand their present and envision their future, they need to explore and restore the richness of their history and carefully look into the lessons they could learn from the past 500 years.

Only through education, self-awareness and a movement towards creating continental unity can they succeed in bringing prosperity to the beloved motherland, Africa , Thus reviving their pride and dignity. In order for the vision to become a reality, there is a great need for, cooperation amongst Africans regardless of nationality, religion, political persuasion but they must accept their ethnic diversity, while simultaneously acting in a coordinated manner.

TO BELIEVE : that unity among Africans will become a power base from which they can act to ensure the rights of all Africans on the continent and those of the Diaspora (The Americas, Europe , Asia etc.)

Finally, Africans can believe that as Africans they  are instrumental in perpetuating the current global system of capitalism. Their compliance  , obedience and often reverence allows today's exploitative world order, through its monopolies, to feast on the blood and bones of Mama Africa by unlawfully having control of all her natural resources ( raw materials, coltan, minerals, oil, medicinal plants, livestock, land etc)  Unfortunately , too bad  , nearly all present puppet Africans ( especially the present leaders or so called Presidents in Africa )  are collaborating with the destroyers of humanity, through their refusal to realize the potential as free human beings. Africa remains till todate the life support system of the global power structure since the resources and servitude are used to sustain the status quo. By continuing a slave - master relationship with the West connotated in the Union of Africa ( AU ) European Uniion ( EU ), not only does Africa undermine the work of their  Ancestors who fought and sacrificed their lives for Independence but todays Africans sabotage the efforts of the rest of humanity who are working to rid themselves of " the great injustice " on this world . 

By --
 ( Lado )
Institute of Sudanic Studies  ----  I S S
Kingdom State of Lado .


Post by: lado on July 07, 2007, 05:38:51 AM

There is a lot of good information in your post...  And there are a lot of AFRICANS in the diaspora with quality education and expert know-how.. They have worked close with these Europeans &  Americans for many years...  They know all the ins & outs of good governance, but still they are reluctant to come back home and to take charge, and to lead their people out of this darkness..

Why is this??? How is it that no one see this but you??? i noticed that many people,  nearly a hundred has read this post, but no one bothered to even make a comment.....  Really, this should have started a 'GREAT DEBATE"...

Is there no one else out there that even cares????

Hello there ----------   

I am confident the  " GREAT DEBATE " as you say by Africans and blacks in all by themselves will open up . Thanks for your encouragment . In addition I can only say it is now the African Union  ( AU ) in collaboration with European Union ( EU ) opts for the total destruction of Pan Africanism . A very sad story for Africa still . May I give in my contribution in writing to all please :

To establish a good network of a true minded people and organizations, who above all  share a social consciousness and awareness of their ability as creative individuals and groups, and therefore to change a social, economic, political and spiritual status quo, as well as explore alternatives of how people could live and cooperate, can only think of getting  rid of the present evil that stalks our planet.

The current world structure is based on an exploitative capitalist system which is destroying indigenous cultures all over the world, as well as, perpetuating colonialism, impoverishing people and waging wars, i.e. Africa . In addition, most organized religions are blocking the individual's path to true spirituality and are merely methods of controlling the masses, serving political interests and gaining opulence. .

The majority of citizens of this planet are controlled and centered on a cycle of wage labour from which they never escape, but which allows the owners of capital to increase their wealth.

It must be noted that Africans to mention are not communists or anarchists. The individual members of the African people may have varying ideological views but the African People all in all are in agreement that the current capitalist fascism running the planet is the only ideology which today has become most intorable as it is a lethal disguise for the true sickness of current humanity fo the urge to dominate ones fellow human being.

In the history of Lado people as Africans on the African continent they have always stood and stand again  in solidarity with anyone on the planet who acts based on this principle on none disguise for the urge to dominate ones fellow human being .

They , like the rest of the human beings of this planet are political activists, artists and independently thinking individuals/groups who believe that through expression arts of music, writing and other forms of cultural expression and political action, they can inspire people to move towards an equitable, humane and spiritually sound way of living. in addition of having  an Africanist outlook because:

 Their roots are African and they do have access to information and first hand experience about the plight of their people as African . That is why the Lado people feel of being Pan-Africanists to a certain degree, as peace and prosperity for all Africans is something they advocate, regardless of where on the planet they may find themselves.

Really If you placed mankind on a hierarchical pyramid Africans are / will be at the bottom ( socially, economically, politically etc ), meaning more attention needs to be directed to Africa rather than the rest of the world.

 The Five Pillars for Africa :

Only through resurrecting the African personality, meaning restoring their cultural heritage, philosophy, science and spirituality and giving it its rightful place in the world of today, can break out the current colonial slave mentality as Africans have adopted, causing them to become faithful practitioners of the ideology of poverty.

This process can take place in the mind of the individual African, who has become aware of the inhuman activities being carried out against him / her and the self-serving policies being practiced by national and international oppressors. The process of resurrecting the African personality can only  be carried out through proper education which includes research, study, reflection and the practical application of African roots and culture. In order for the Africans to understand their present and envision their future, they need to explore and restore the richness of their history and carefully look into the lessons they could learn from the past 500 years.

Only through education, self-awareness and a movement towards creating continental unity can they succeed in bringing prosperity to the beloved motherland, Africa , Thus reviving their pride and dignity. In order for the vision to become a reality, there is a great need for, cooperation amongst Africans regardless of nationality, religion, political persuasion but they must accept their ethnic diversity, while simultaneously acting in a coordinated manner.

TO BELIEVE : that unity among Africans will become a power base from which they can act to ensure the rights of all Africans on the continent and those of the Diaspora (The Americas, Europe , Asia etc.)

Finally, Africans can believe that as Africans they  are instrumental in perpetuating the current global system of capitalism. Their compliance  , obedience and often reverence allows today's exploitative world order, through its monopolies, to feast on the blood and bones of Mama Africa by unlawfully having control of all her natural resources ( raw materials, coltan, minerals, oil, medicinal plants, livestock, land etc)  Unfortunately , too bad  , nearly all present puppet Africans ( especially the present leaders or so called Presidents in Africa )  are collaborating with the destroyers of humanity, through their refusal to realize the potential as free human beings. Africa remains till todate the life support system of the global power structure since the resources and servitude are used to sustain the status quo. By continuing a slave - master relationship with the West connotated in the Union of Africa ( AU ) European Uniion ( EU ), not only does Africa undermine the work of their  Ancestors who fought and sacrificed their lives for Independence but todays Africans sabotage the efforts of the rest of humanity who are working to rid themselves of " the great injustice " on this world . 

By --
 ( Lado )
Institute of Sudanic Studies  ----  I S S
Kingdom State of Lado .



Public Information Giving to the Present African Leaders please .

The only African countries that have Sovereign Rights at the moment, are Lado, though not independent but is still an ( Occupied Nation State Kingdom in Africa by the Foreign forces which see to that Lado is not a showing example on the African Continent opening the eyes and ears of other African Nations ).

In the existing reality , Ethiopia, Egypt, and Eritrea. are the ones, which can Legally stand up in the UN ( United Nations Committe ) and say to other Nation States of the International Community , " Hey, you cannot tell me what to do, because I am myself." But the rest of the African Nations , they either have to consult Paris, or London, some Washington, some Lisbon and in fears they say there is no way that they can do anything, so what should they do ?

On the other hand if only the three Nation Leaders of : Ethiopia , Egypt and Eritrea had the knoweldge of this complicated sense of having the power stand of Sovereignty and let their voices be heard about what is going on in Africa . I hope this message in one way or the other will arrive to the ears of these African Nation Leaders who by now know of their Role for Africa to present in voice at least at one time for the world public to believe that an issue for Africa is being raised by one African Nation for debates in the UN General Assemby . Courage it needs in a first time please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


( Lado ) .